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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What could be right/wrong with a Shenmue port

    With the fairly recent rumor of a Shenmue port swirling around, quite a few people differ on how they ould react to it. So here, I'll bring up what could possibly be right, or wrong.


I enjoyed playing the 1st Shenmue game and would love to play it again. The series didn't sell as much as it was supposed to and cost too much ($70 million) to make the developers break even. Games like Resident Evil 4 were ported to the Wii and met healthy sales. In fact, many Sega games have had a small resurgence on the Wii, like Nights, Sega Bass Fishing, House of the Dead, and an announced Samba de Amigo (if only they anounced Zombie Revenge...). So, porting Shenmue wouldn't exactly be unknown territory to Sega.

If sales were good enough, that would just make the relationship between Sega/Nintendo even better. It would be more comfortable releasing games for Wii when you have a more general idea of how your games are treated saleswise on there. I doubt that the sales it could possibly get would lead to a Shenmue III, but it would chip away at the "3rd parties get no love" heresy. 

Okami was also ported from the PS2 and got a graphical update. Nowhere does it say that the graphics can't be touched up for a port. However, with the losses they sustained from the 1st game, I'm doubtful of them re-working parts of it, but they must in order for it to display properly on the Wii's settings (480p or whatever). With motion controls implemented, those quicktime scenes where you must press a button quickly would have already been done on RE4, so it shouldn't be a problem to perform them. The better disc capabilities of the Wii would surely make some aspect of the game easier to handle (audio). 


WRONG !!!:

With these ports coming in, people's views change as to what they should be putting onto the Wii. Putting ports all the time isn't a good look, and people won't take chances to figure out the Wii's hardware for more than running older architecture. Ideas start popping into people's heads that any game from the past that failed commercially could be brought to the Wii. Who knows if the money made from this port could be funding something not even for the Wii in the future.

Who knows if these game even has an audience prepared to buy it. If it isn't $40 or less I wouldn't buy it either. If this game were to tank (for loss of a better word) in sales again, that could just make people believe that 3rd party heresy even more. Once again, I mention the lack of any type of update or extra content that could be applied for this game, solely to prevent as much money spent as possible. That is just pretty much taking advantage of a good thing you got going (Wii userbase).

While we're at it, we might as well port:

  • Toy Commander
  • Zombie Revenge
  • Bangai-O (to coincide with the DS game, Bangai-O Spirits)
  • Jet Grind Radio
  • Power Stone 1 & 2

 Also, if they controls aren't good enough to make the Dreamcast layout obsolete, why bother?


     I can't think of more right now but that's the point of posting, DISCUSS.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

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I'd be all over a Shenmue port for the Wii.
I'd even get multiple copies to help sales and assure Shenmue 3 on Wii.
I love Shenmue and I'm so frustrated that I may never play the rest of it.

I'd also love "Power Stone Collection" and especially "Jet Set Radio Wii".

I think shemune should be ported to the wii. Who cares how much money it will cost. Nintendo and Sega come together as one and port classic games from both companies and put it on the WiiWare.


Just like Nights, the game has aged and won't be up to the current standards

The thing is, I remember reading that Sega had finalized the libraries for everything in the game (design, sound... etc) so why aren't they doing the rest of the chapters? I don't think it will cost tons with the research finished already.

No foreign sky protected me,
No stranger's wing shielded my face.
I stand as witness to the common lot,
survivor of that time, that place.

- From 'Requiem' by Anna Akhmatova

I'd love to see Shenmue ported to the PS3/360, better yet, this game deserves to get built from the ground up as a remake to give it the next gen vibe.

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A lot of games like Shemune should be ported onto the wii


Speaking of games being ported, WWF No Mercy should be ported on the wii.


lol Snake... I "heart" you!

Man had all of those games on the Dreamcast, and they where a blast! I had great time with by buds on Zombie Revenge and the game Armada.

 *edit* Porting of good games is never really a bad idea in my book.  Porting of crappy games is, also they need to have a good low price on them.


I think it's all around a good idea to bring Shenmue I & II to the Wii. Granted, there's some lameness in the fact that the games are a bit out-dated and that they aren't original titles.

However, if it works out well enough, Shenmue III could be revived as a Wii exclusive and that would kick an awful lot of ass. Frankly, I think Shenmue's overall style, gameplay, and theme are practically made for the Wii and it'll be a fantastic game to bridge the casual-hardcore divide--good for moving casual gamers to more hardcore titles.

Funding was always the problem with Shenmue after the original title's colossial $70,000,000 price tag and lackluster sales (it was once estimated that at the time of it's release, every single Dreamcast owner would have had to purchase the game twice for Sega to make a profit on it). The game has had time to become a sort of gaming legend and a revival could really work now, and if successful (with some advertising), could lead to Shenmue III finally coming out. This is one port that can only be beneficial to the system.