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Forums - Sales Discussion - Mediocre U.S. sales this holiday?

$4 for a US gallon (~3.8lt) is dirt cheap - in AU we pay $1.60 per litre.
If I convert you are paying only ~$1.10 per litre in the US that is an absolute bargain.!

Becides the gaming market is booming look at the Wii it's selling really well.

PS3 number 1 fan

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There are places that pay 16$ a gallon, problem is people have budgeted their income with 2.80$-3.10@ gas price range, and in turn with forking more for gas what people use to budget for food no longer applies either due to food going up. I just think at the bare minimum the gaming market will appear to stagnate or be mediocre this holiday(in the U.S.).