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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction Wiifit will have a sell trough of 75% against the wiiinstallbase

I also wanted to say that it won't happen ... However I have 2 Wii-Fits and only 1 Wii. (Reason is that I have 2 homes and the balance board is just too heavy to carry around.) So if there are more crazy people like me outside it could happen ...

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--OkeyDokey-- said:
How can you possibly be a member of this site for almost a year and not know anything about sales? The reason being: common sense.

 The same common sense people used to prove that the Wii would bomb and Wiifit would not kick off.



I follow sales daily and you can already see a trend. 





densiyrex said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
How can you possibly be a member of this site for almost a year and not know anything about sales? The reason being: common sense.

The same common sense people used to prove that the Wii would bomb and Wiifit would not kick off.



I follow sales daily and you can already see a trend.

 Not gonna happen.

Unless you have some inside info that Nintendo is going to start having 2 or 3 Wii Fits as a pack-in for each Wii.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

I really doubt it. There are huge amounts of people who only want the blue ocean and don't care for "traditional" stuff, as well as a surprising amount of people who're primarily into traditional games and want to try the blue ocean stuff, but also those of us love traditional games and have no interest in the blue ocean.

Most people on VGC are in the second group, but I think my type is common enough to make anything over 50% unrealistic. Heck, even keeping 25% up for a year would be insane.

Wii hardware is expected to end up somewhere around the 100 million mark.

If you really think one game can sell 75 million copies (minimun) then somebody must have dropped you on your head when you were a baby.

I don't even know why I'm debating something so stupid >_>

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Actually, I think it's more likely for Wii Fit to sell 75 million copies than to sell to 75% of Wii owners.

The only way I could see it happen is if they make it so that you could run more than one balance board on the wii at the same time. Right now, it looks like two conflict with each other, but that could just be with wii fit.

If RR3, and other games for the balance board, will support multiple boards for co-op or vs play, I could see it acheive 75% attach rate. You would have enough people getting two or more boards for a single wii...

That said, at least for now it appears it does not.

Prediction: 75% of all the fat Americans having bought Wiifit will have tossed the plastic thing into a corner within three weeks and will continue to be fat..

for the humour impaired

--OkeyDokey-- said:
Wii hardware is expected to end up somewhere around the 100 million mark.

If you really think one game can sell 75 million copies (minimun) then somebody must have dropped you on your head when you were a baby.

I don't even know why I'm debating something so stupid >_>

 To be honest my mom by accident did that so your probably right :D





Wii Sports has an attach ratio of 50% in Japan... and from now on that is only going to go down.

Wii fit attach ratio in Japan should reach 50% though, and if we are talking balance board alone then it could go almost to 75% if it is sold seperately and some good games appear for it.

However that is just Japan, it will not manage such a feat elsewhere.