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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Beyong Good and Evil 2 'Debut' Teaser

So this is the first trailer, and similar trailers will be released later on? That's what I'm assuming anyway, with the whole "- 1 - The Pig". I'm looking forward to seeing some more. 'Shame I haven't played the original.

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Actually I could give a rat's ass about Street Fighter 4. I think Capcom is stupid for throwing away the boatloads of money that a Wii version would GUARANTEE, but I'm not mad 'cuz SF2 Turbo is the only one that matters. The game won't outsell the SNES SF2 Turbo. It's the best selling Capcom game, and it's been about 15 or 16 years. That's why they make 1920857 games a year now. They've peaked.

Anyway.... Capcom didn't destroy the art of their old games. Ubisoft just did and I have no idea why.

That's it - Ubisoft can shove their imagine series up their *****.

Weren't they apologazing lately for stuffing wii with unpolished games and cash-ins, and promised to give it more love in the future? If they don't want to engage in serious developement (i don't count RRR3) for Wii, they can just drop the (lack of) support alltogether and let Ps3/X360 fill their cash registers.

I'll maybe play this on PC, but Red steel 2 better be the the best game in the universe or Ubisoft is crossed on my list.


Don't worry Wii fans. Ubisoft hasn't forgoten about you. Here is ign's preview of their new Wii exclusive.


Saiyar said:

Don't worry Wii fans. Ubisoft hasn't forgoten about you. Here is ign's preview of their new Wii exclusive. 

 Yeah the wii get's a new exclusive called 404. Link broken. 

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can't wait for this game to come out.
Beyond G and E is the only game I played through twice on PS2.


The video sucked.  I'm sure the game will be awesome through. 

Link is fixed. I was just laughing so much I messed it up.

Saiyar said:
Link is fixed. I was just laughing so much I messed it up.
Nope still 404 error, but lemme guess DOGZ?

Edit: Nvm babyz. Yes all this support. 


That picture of Mario further up the page is gruesome....nightmares abound now!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

I agree with joora.

I mean, BG&E is seriously one of my favorite games of all time. This is like Eric Chahi making another Out of This World with these bullshit graphics. Hell, this is like David Lynch making the next Superman movie or something. This is bullshit.

I THOUGHT ANCEL WAS AN ARTIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111