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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGS4 leaking on the internet!!! *SPOILERS*


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darthdevidem01 said:

except MGS4 has a story



A script of the apparent ending was leaked just a few hours ago. However this ending had been posted a year ago on imdb by a person who apparently also leaked the Xmen movie storyline.  It's quite detailed and sounds more and more plausable now considering some of the things that have been revealed the past year also appears in the script that was leaked over a year ago when people just laughed at it and ignored it.

 Likely a fake, but a very good one at that. Unless it's actually the real deal.

No no no no!


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That's really lame ssj12. 

The OP shouldn't be banned just for this.  This is Sony news after all so it is appropriate.  Not knowing the spoiler rule shouldn't be bannable on the first offense at any rate.  A simple "Don't do it again" would be more productive and still encourage the OP to post constructive news (like he was trying to do).

Ummm forum rules say it's ok as long as it says it in the title so I'm going to allow this pending further review. ;>