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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Conduit - Online Confirmed and Small Details On Publisher

Here's what the article says about the Conduit. 

" - Confirmation of The Conduit multiplayer - Deathmatch teaser was referring to online component, multiplayer deathmatch. Devs. of The Conduit have been contacted by many publishers, but are taking their time so they can make the game they want to make. “Yes, we are planning on online multiplayer. We don’t yet know how many simultaneous players we’ll be able to support. The other thing folks seem to have a lot questions on the forumsfront is the lack of a publisher. For what it’s worth, we have no shortages of options now both large and small but we are taking our time. We have our own funding to entirely complete the game and it’s not that we don’t play well with others, we just want to be far enough along that someone doesn’t come along and monkey the whole thing up. We’ve worked on enough licensed titles that had the potential to be good but an arm-chaired quarterback came in and mandated a very bad direction. The further along we are, the less likely that is to happen. We really want The Conduit to be something special for the Wii and for us, you know?”
- Gyrostar release date: “Gyrostar is sitting in Nintendo’s hands and if I had to guess, I’d say June 16th. But if folks pester Nintendo, maybe they’ll be motivated to push it out sooner?” "

So, multiplayer and online of some sort, which the trailer hinted at, has now been confirmed.

Also, who do you think the Publisher will be?  

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some small publisher that promises them freedom - worries me about advertising though as this game and everything it stands for needs to be one of the biggest sleeper hits of 08 (if released this year).


hmmm.... i have the feeling Ubi will go for this and publish it

but then again, ME (^^^) is right, i guess. A small time publ.
who will give them much more freedom, will be looking to
cash out on this and ride the wave into fame

im glad they want to make a good game
before its handed to the greedy hands
of publishers though... u gotta admire them
for that :)

Online FTW!!!

Proud member of the Fierce Fox Force.


"I strike spurs onto my Wii controller. And against Sony and MS I fling myself,
unvanquished and unyielding. 'O Wii!!!"

-The Nintendian Philosophy

aiden.cronus said:
hmmm.... i have the feeling Ubi will go for this and publish it

but then again, ME (^^^) is right, i guess. A small time publ.
who will give them much more freedom, will be looking to
cash out on this and ride the wave into fame

im glad they want to make a good game
before its handed to the greedy hands
of publishers though... u gotta admire them
for that :)

Online FTW!!!

totally - not only that but if one game this year (here's looking at this and madworld) alongside games like Boom Blox and Pro evo where games have unique controls, not particulary dumbed down in any way and are very creative are all successfull in their own way make the industry change their narrow minded "Wii gamers want cheap kids games" opinions then it'll have been worth while.


purchase confirmed

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Me said:
some small publisher that promises them freedom - worries me about advertising though as this game and everything it stands for needs to be one of the biggest sleeper hits of 08 (if released this year).

More likely some larger publisher who wants to back a dump truck full of money into High Voltage HQ for the right to license their engine and leverage it to carve out a slice of Wii pie. Ubisoft and THQ are possible candidates, and I've never known EA to pass up a chance at more market share, if they can make promises that High Voltage will trust.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

I'm still thinking THQ.

Maybe Activision will come to the rescue. I rather it be them over EA or Ubisoft. As long as they get the game to a point they're happy with before the suits come in, it should be great.

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Tayne said:
Maybe Activision will come to the rescue. I rather it be them over EA or Ubisoft. As long as they get the game to a point they're happy with before the suits come in, it should be great.

That might be a good move for Activision. They don't really have much going on Wii except Guitar Hero and some licensed junk. They haven't shown the enthusiasm for capturing the Wii market that other developers have, but they might like to show up fashionably late to the party. :P

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

I agree they'll be plenty of large publishers wanting to do that but if i'm hoping developers integrity wins through. After all if they announced the potential of proper Wii development back in 06 and have spent a large amuont of time on the engine then why sign over the rights.

If they have their own budget for this then perhaps a smaller publisher may just think if I allow then 100% freedom then I may swing this deal - thats how i'd approach it if I was a publisher bidding for their business.