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Forums - Sony Discussion - Heavenly Sword Sequel Not Happening

PooperScooper said:

Like I would like to know what the sword is and where it came from. Who made it/wielded it before her. Why does it do what it does. Is it evil or is it good.

We have a very vague and mystical background story of the sword, and I suppose someone else can pick it up... but the only ones who really knew the story of the sword were the people who knew where they were going.

Thats why I'm worried with someone else making it. You get a vision and a groove and stop working on something with someone else to finish trying to read into things that either made sense to only you or werent suppose to be read into.

Example: My brother and his friend do this weird thing (after smokin) they will bust out the color pencils and draw on 2 separate papers. after a while they will switch and finish the drawing. The thing is what you were drawing first wasnt the same thing they were so now your thought process changes. Instead of going what you were drawing you have to interpret what they were drawing and finish it. Someone could be drawing a face while the other was drawing skyscrapers. Getting a half finished skyscraper might look like a chess board to someone. And a face might look like a half finished mountain top.

Half the time when they are done they'll talk about what they were going for and what they liked or disliked what the other did. In the end its usually completely different.

The legend of the sword is told in the Heavenly sword anime:



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Unless I've forgotten the end of Heavenly Sword, I'm not really seeing where a sequel will be made in the storyline.

So unless I'm missing something, I'm going to take a guess that the story would be about how there is some 'new evil' trying to claim the sword for their own and blah blah blah blah blah..... ect.

yes...the raven king is not dead yet.......and its easy nariko to appear again..i mean kratos in god of war has already died 2 times.......