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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Wii and Ps3 going at it for a decade. 360 too? How will the sales go?

can someone please define what a console life cycle is? If we are talking about manufacturing and repairing consoles then it is nothing to be excited about. Since they give us no definition of what a life span is it could be nothing more than manufacturing the console. If the last 2 years of the gamecube are part of the "lifespan" i don't really care how long it goes. Developers will stop supporting these systems 6 or 7 years from launch.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

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Rocketpig, how would that scare you? Apple is not the only one that deserves CRAZY success. I know it is probably scary because this success is coming from a game console. But, so what? Look at the Ps2?

Gaming was never destined to be minor. I was going to be big. And we only have Nintendo to thank. (along with the Wii and Ds.) And we have Sony to thank. (for the Playstations.)

Str8knox said:
Rocketpig, how would that scare you? Apple is not the only one that deserves CRAZY success. I know it is probably scary because this success is coming from a game console. But, so what? Look at the Ps2?

Gaming was never destined to be minor. I was going to be big. And we only have Nintendo to thank. (along with the Wii and Ds.) And we have Sony to thank. (for the Playstations.)

Apple and Nintendo are known for making innovative products and doing things their own way. Sometimes, that product is nearly perfect (the iPod), other times, you get a product from the compnay that is successful despite massive problems, but the success convinces the company that they don't need to make changes to those problems (Wii's online, for example).

Or check out my new webcomic:

Frodaddyg said:
rocketpig said:

That excites me and scares me at the same time.

Like that time you saw that clown with the nice ass at the circus?

No, that was just hot. Mmmm... Clown ass.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Nintendo, Sony, MS...they can bleat about the lifetimes of their consoles all they want.

The reality of the situation is that advances in graphics and such are being made EVERY day, and at a quicker rate, so todays consoles will all look horrendous in about 3 years time...

Sonys initial idea for the PS3 (not having it based in a single piece of hardware, more it being 'downloaded' to your tv') will be the future to avoid new games consoles every half decade

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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they'll all go for a decade unless 1 drops out or sumthin who knowZ