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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Will MSFT ever quit Japan?

thekitchensink said:
They've already doubled what their last machine sold there, at a 50-100% higher price, in about half the time. So no, not a chance.

eliasg said:
they have sold double the numbers of original XBOX, so i dont believe Microsoft will ever leave Japan. And btw Ninja Gaiden 2 will help the overall sales...

What kind of math are you two using? 477k x2 does not equal 607k.

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halogamer1989 said:
They have only sold roughly 610,000 360s and the Xbox 1 was a giant gaijin monstrosity to them. Thoughts?

You confuse me... How would cutting support for the console help them??


There are many countries that sell this amount (I know Australia doesn't contain 610 000 360's) should MS quit Australia?


Infact, sould they quit all countries besides USA, Canada and Great Britain?


There's a reason you aren't the CEO of a gaming company 

Japan houses some of the best game developers- no way would Microsoft abandon Japan. Microsoft sells lots of PC games and Windows OS to Japan. Not just XBox 360 games.

I believe the question is really: "Has Japan Quit MSFT?"
The answer for all intents and purposes is yes.

Well 360 is only 5000 behind PS3 this week. Sony console selling 6000 in Japan. Who would have thought that.

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The question is: when are they going to hit the 1 million mark? I bet they will throw a big party for that!

No foreign sky protected me,
No stranger's wing shielded my face.
I stand as witness to the common lot,
survivor of that time, that place.

- From 'Requiem' by Anna Akhmatova

around 1,500 consoles a week they are already dead in japan and the ps3 is headed that way but MGS4 will help

Be honest with nobody and lie to your self MGS4 best game EVER on ps3 :?!!!!!!!

why would they ever leave? there is only the cost of translating the system... not much, it's like saying they would not go into scandinavia because of the language. Plus being there gives more confidence to japanese developpers.... being in japan whether the sales folow or not is a win win situation.