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The Ghost of RubangB said:

I haven't forgotten it. In fact, that's all that has been running through my mind for the past 48 hours.

I want to find who wrote this script and cut their ballsac off with fingernail clippers. Stupid fucking guy doesn't deserve the ability to breed. 

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My God... This game just disappointed me even more. It had such a good idea underneath the terrible writing, broken gameplay, and bad voice acting... It's about the terrors of war and how all sides are basically the same when everything boils down to its primal nature.

What I said early in the thread rings ever more true now... Uwe Boll would cringe at this shit. There is a powerful game here which was managed, developed, and published by idiots.

After this last cutscene, Free Radical officially went on my shit list. I haven't seen such a great idea so completely mismanaged and dealt with in such a blithering heavy-handed manner since... Well...

I'll have to think about it for a bit. It's that bad. 

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Haze is done. I'm so pissed off right now that I can't even state how much this game is a letdown.

Only at the end do they try to make you feel reluctant to fight this war... The biggest problem is that the developers fought so hard in the beginning of the game to make you dislike everything about Mantel that the last few scenes have absolutely no sway on you.

Overall, I thank Free Radical for giving me more ammunition to write my next editorial in three weeks. I never thought Haze would hit my Most Wanted list but somehow, it managed to do so. In final, I will say one thing:

Shame on you, Free Radical, shame on you.

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rocketpig said:

cut their ballsac off with fingernail clippers

Would "clip" a better verb to replace "cut"?

Hopefully, that line will appear on your official article?

My condolences for your purchase RocketPig Sir.

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%
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erikers said:
My condolences for your purchase RocketPig Sir.

Oh, this wasn't a purchase. It was a Gamefly.

Gamefly's west coast center is only about 20 miles from me. I'm tempted to show up late for work on Tuesday just so I can drive it over there and tell them to shove that disc up their ass and then mail the disc-ridden stock boy to Free Radical as a testament to their complete and utter failure as a developer.

Argh. I haven't been so mad at a game since... Well, since I heard that Bethesda was taking over Fallout. 

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Galaki said:
rocketpig said:

cut their ballsac off with fingernail clippers

Would "clip" a better verb to replace "cut"?

Hopefully, that line will appear on your official article?

 It might but I would hope that I could come up with something more clever before then.

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rocketpig said:
Gotta love this AI and you gotta love a game where a drunk bastard like me carries around a fully loaded RPG with the idea that "this might come in handy later"... Over one hour later, I still haven't fired a round with it. There's no need for it. I'll tote it around until the end of the game if necessary but when I'm on Chapter 13 of 15, I'm drunk and still can't find a reason to use something like that, you know there's something wrong with the game.

BTW, I'd like to bring this back up and point out that yes, I did carry an RPG for the rest of the game and I never ran out of ammo. Every time I needed to use it, I already had a full cache of ammo and when it was depleted, I immediately received more ammunition for it.

For someone who is over 10 shots deep (moved to vodka, even) and is playing a game on medium in the last two levels of a game, that kind of cushion is unacceptable. 

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Online portion is off the CHAIN! I dont care about the single player campaign because online is where you'll play more often.

iWillCrushAllWhoDefyMe!                                                                           PN ID- DrivenToExcell -if you want to add me to your friends list tell me where you know me from(vgchartz)

FailureIsNotAnOption said:
Online portion is off the CHAIN! I dont care about the single player campaign because online is where you'll play more often.

I swear you've put almost this exact same comment 10 different times throughout these forums and on the game page.