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The wife is in Chicago, I have 12 Sierra Nevadas, two bottles of Jaeger, a pack of smokes, and what might be the worst reviewed game since Lair.

Hit it.


Note: Honestly, all of the above is true. The Chicago bit cracked me up when I thought about it for a second.

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I played the demo...

Not that bad... Especially with someone else to play it with...

It's a 7.

something tells me that you want to enjoy not liking this game...

i'm so sorry

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

I want to get this game rocketpig mainly for co-op, but I would like to know what you think of it.


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I'll have a review up for it next week. I'm actually going to have a good time playing this game, whether it sucks or not.

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Damn rocket, I hope you enjoy it. I did but quickly realized it is not worth my precious $60.

At this time of age..$60 needs to be spent on awesome software. Haze is kinda suspect.

So I hope you enjoy it or you won't knowing you :P

I Gameflyed it. After all the negativity, I'm even more interested in playing it. I have a lot of respect for FR and at the very least, I want to see WTF went wrong.

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ecurbj said:
Damn rocket, I hope you enjoy it. I did but quickly realized it is not worth my precious $60.

At this time of age..$60 needs to be spent on awesome software. Haze is kinda suspect.

So I hope you enjoy it or you won't knowing you :P

Why not download the demo and try it?

It seemed okay to me.

at least we know one person bought it.

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)