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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Did Japan like Blue Dragon?

Riachu said:
mrstickball said:
Considering Blue Dragon revived the 360 and allowed it to surpass the Xbox, almost entirely by itself...Yes, they liked it.

Blue Dragon sold well over 200,000 units in its lifetime, and had a 50% attach ratio for quite some time. The 360 sold somewhere near 100,000 units in a month after BD launched. Considering what the 360 sold in that previous November, that was huge.

But ultimately, there weren't a ton of uber-Japanese games to follow up on it, and the 360 sales have stagnated since.

Lost Odyssey, despite the fact was much better recieved in the West, never got traction - and I seriously blame Microsoft marketing. There was a huge PR blitz for Blue Dragon, but nowhere near as much in the East for LO...That was the reason, IMO.

Still though, LO has sold well over 100,000 units, and we don't know where it's at now. Definately won't reach BD in Japan, but it could sell 150,000.
Lost Odyssey sold better in America though. The sales numbers prove there was and still is a market for JRPGs on the 360.


Like I said - LO was better recieved in the West..By alot..

I am sure that the fact that Akira Toyariama (sp?) and Sakaguchi really helped drive sales, since it was DQ-Ish, but again: it was a great game, perfect for the market. MS knew that, and spent the money to make sure everyone knew about it.

I just REALLY HOPE that when Infinite Undiscovery and Tales of Verspia come out that MS, Squaresoft, and whomever else is involved, puts money into marketing those 360 exclusives. How many RPGs has Japan had that have done well on the 360? BD at 205k? LO at 100k+? ES at 75k? We need another 100k hit in Japan on the 360.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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darthdevidem01 said:
BLue Dragon ===== Dragon quest for M$

Lost Oddesy ===== Final Fantasy

if you look at their success they did not match up to their inspirations
 M$ could make 10 AAA JRPG's I think and the japs would still stick to the Nintendo or Sony. Because after how much better LO was than FF8-12, it proves to me they couldnt care less for gr8 games as much as homebrew. 


selnor said:
darthdevidem01 said:
BLue Dragon ===== Dragon quest for M$

Lost Oddesy ===== Final Fantasy

if you look at their success they did not match up to their inspirations
M$ could make 10 AAA JRPG's I think and the japs would still stick to the Nintendo or Sony. Because after how much better LO was than FF8-12, it proves to me they couldnt care less for gr8 games as much as homebrew.


Careful how you use that word.

And No, LO was not better than FF8-FF12 (maybe FF11, but it's a different genre). If anything LO was a FF10 clone with FF4 character designs, the battle system was very uninspiring and the story tried too hard. Although, LO is the best JRPG this generation has to offer, in the end it can't escape the shadow of the FF series (8-12 included).

Lo was a great rpg, not quite what FF 7 8 9 and 10 are but fantastic rpg none the less and i cant wait for the sequal.

It is better then FF 12 though....big time

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!