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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - How many only had PS2 last gen and only have 360 this gen?



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last generation I had a dreamcast and then XB/360... there was actually a generation between DC and XB ??? didn't notice :)

I was one of those until I bought a wii this year.

oh dear oh dear. i guess you wad wrong then.

I had a ps2 gamecube and an xbox all got sold but me ps2.

I had a x360 but sold it.

I has a ps3 but got stolen

I am getting another ps3

Last gen PS2 and XB. This gen 360 and PS3. And I have a DS and no PSP so I have said goodbye to Sony

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Equinoxe said:
Last gen PS2 and XB. This gen 360 and PS3. And I have a DS and no PSP so I have said goodbye to Sony

Sad day for Sony, heh.

So there are quite a few people already that went from Sony to Microsoft.  That's what I thought.  I'm also curious what the myriad of reasons were.  If it was just that 360 came out first and had great games first, or if it was the price of the PS3, or whatever.