The Intro Video seems kinda lame. NOT!
For anyone with Nico, here is a real video:
You need to be a member. I am. So give me a second to watch this.
EDIT: It "looks" sort of fake but he plays around in the menus (Char selection, stage select, etc) for around a minute which is a LONG time. In the end, nothing new really >.<
Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,
Tell whatever game thats on the top of your `best of`list to move aside.
That made my day right there. I'm going to watch that video everyday until the game is released.
O-D-C said: Tell whatever game thats on the top of your `best of`list to move aside. |
Sowwy. Wii Fit isn't moving. Oh wait, are we counting that as a game? In any case it's nice to see a quality casual game like SSBB coming out.
to much info not enough info going to die now!! *dosen't die* i dont know what i just said
from brawlcentral ...
2 new pics - F-Zero stage and Mother boss
Edit: Now with Marth and SSE stills. + Ness
if were getting a lot of info think about thursday i cant wait!!!!!!
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