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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Official Updates

That's a pretty damn copulating sweet stage! Coitus perpetualis confirmed.

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woot nice stage, and as stated above, would be awesome to create own stages with the DS

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Neat stage.  Not great, but neat.

PictoChat stage? WTF?! Is it just me, are do these guys have too much development time? Nevertheless, I'll be sure to play it, but I doubt it'll be a favorite.

Opens up possibilities though. If DS is # 21 on the symbol chart(does that fit in alphabetically as previously theorized anyone?) the most obvious one for #22 would be Wii itself.

Wii stage could be the Wii menu and it rotates between channels. Mii Channel would be fun if you could interact, grab and toss Mii's when they walk into your plane (not in background). "Hey, let go of my mom!", Weather channel gives you today's weather - literally, if it's raining, it starts raining in the game. But best of all would be a few game channels - imaging playing in Donkey Kong with barrels coming down and having to watch out for an 8bit Mario when he grabs a hammer.

Obvious character for Wii - Mii!! Mii fights with Wii Sports moves - basebat ala Ness, golf club ala Peach, boxing, tosses a bowling ball to knock down opponants. Etc.

But then would there be a DS character? Nothing comes to mind, unless.... there's a DS brawl and you can import a couple unique DS characters into Wii brawl if you own both. @#$@ then I'd have to get both versions.

This is all rampant speculation of couse, but WTF, PictoChat? Anything is game.


What a stage!

There were 29 stages in Melee... So far we have 15 on the site, plus we know about Norfair and Mario Kart... And we have many moons to go... I'm hoping there's at least 40 stages...

And btw... There was never any reason to assume that there was at least one character for every franchise icon... Smash itself has the first icon! And the interview confirming an Animal Crossing character was bogus... I doubt there is going to be an Animal Crossing character in the game...

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Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

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Beyond awesome stage, of course there are already people complaining about it. I mean really, it's not like SSBB doesn't already have a lot of *really* good content.

When I read the title of today's Brawl update I kinda got mislead alittle. I though that the game would support some kind of chat functionality for the game but oh well. Maybe that'll be in another update. A little chat room where all DS users of the game could just hang out and chat and stuff. Alittle DS/Wii functionality couldn't hurt.

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY


twesterm said:
Beyond awesome stage, of course there are already people complaining about it. I mean really, it's not like SSBB doesn't already have a lot of *really* good content.

 My thoughts exactly.

Also, Pictochat music? Isn't the service mute?

Maybe its a remix. But, how do you do a remix of nothing?

Anyway, I hope the "Everybody Votes" Theme is available. That is some good brawling music.

The stage is nice though. Kinda like a stage that is ALWAYS changing, which is good. We need more of those.

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY