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Please tell me I'm not dreaming.



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Bah, you beat me to it. Amazing.... amazing I tell you. I'm shaking for God's sake.


@babycakes You're right....shit.....=[=[=[ Not good.

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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babycakes33 said:
release date is TBA.


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GameDaily Article that Interviewed Me: Console Defense Forces.

I can't believe this. I'm honestly starting to think I may be dreaming this... Nintendo just completely raped my senses...

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Bacon they realized that Ike did not have a final smash thats why they delayed it.

Need people to play online with me for Brawl.

Name is DROAK.  

I'm crying just for the pure awesomeness of this. I'm serious.

sonic is 20 for the right click save thing naznatips. I

Need people to play online with me for Brawl.

Name is DROAK. If you want to see the sonic gameplay you can see it here but I guess everyone already saw it lol.

I can't wait to see what sonic's level looks like. He's going to have one, right? Sooo awesome.

Here's a video from my band's last show Check out more (bigger) videos here