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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 'Cheevo 'Ho? Not in GoW2.

During their interview with Cliffy B, the guys over at CVG learned an interesting Gears of War 2 achievement fact that will probably make "achievement whores" a bit furious. Scratch that, it will make achievement whores furious.

As it's currently planned, Epic will be "throttling" GoW2's achievements by limiting how much unlocking progress can be made per game or round. Cliffy gave an example of the unlocking system by saying that "if you're going for headshots, you get one headshot that counts and any other headshots won't count towards your Achievement" which is being done "so players don't just play to get headshots the entire round just to get Achievements." It's an interesting idea, but one we aren't sure we (or any achievement addicts for that matter) fully embrace.

People are already whining about this. What Epic should have done is rather than "throttling" them they should change them completely. 'Get headshots in 50 ranked matches' would be better than 'Get 50 headshots in ranked matches' and only counting one of them per match. Same result less moaning. 

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What's wrong with only going for headshots?

As fans of Bad Taste know; "The headshot's the only real stopper."

There's nothing wrong with headshots. What they want to stop is people being to preoccupied with getting that 1 last head shot and ruining the game.

Also Bad Taste=Great Taste.

Played_Out said:
What's wrong with only going for headshots?

As fans of Bad Taste know; "The headshot's the only real stopper."

 lol love the dick face aliens lol :P

I really couldn't care less because I play for the fun and even though im pro with a sniper and getting headshots (check out my montages), I don't care if an acheivement is involved in the whole thing. If it is, than great .....SSBB, Gears, GTA vids

Sweetlamakid got banned so it's now sweetlamakidsenior

"Good games come and go, but Gears is forever"

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I think this is a great idea. Multiplayer games are no longer achievement focused and will make getting 1000/1000 even more of a challenge and deserving. This is achievements done right.

Great Idea

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

i think this is good for GOW2, im sick of "acheivment" matches on GOW, just play the game for fun like i do.

This is a great move for Gears of War 2. Take that Achievement whores. lol. 360 Achievements spoil games. Gamers rent or buy crap games just to boost their achievement point tallies to rack up easy points. Achievement points are given out inconsistently.
We should just enjoy the online games and not have to use hacks, glitches and cheats to rack up points or play crap games to get easy points.

^Having said all that 360 Achievement points have been put in to increase game sales. 

Rock_on_2008 said:

This is a great move for Gears of War 2. Take that Achievement whores. lol. 360 Achievements spoil games. Gamers rent or buy crap games just to boost their achievement point tallies to rack up easy points. Achievement points are given out inconsistently.
We should just enjoy the online games and not have to use hacks, glitches and cheats to rack up points or play crap games to get easy points.

^Having said all that 360 Achievement points have been put in to increase game sales.

 i know a guy who bought King Kong and FIFA 06: RTFWC just to get 2,000 gamerscore, how sad is that, worse still he couldnt even complete King Kong!