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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What's the power of PS3 or 360 for -- except for graphics?

radha said:

Why are there guys saying the wii can do all that? Can the wii run cryengine2 or UE3 if they lower the number of polygons in the models? why is there a physics card (Agei physics card called PhysX), if physics don’t eat processing power? Why are the most powerful computers in the world physics simulators if physics are so easy to process?  Why not even PC games have really good AI if its so easy to make and only ram limits it? Can tree search, neural network and FuSM aimed for the next-gen run on single core? If so the next-gen thing is just a scam, heck ill go pick my SNES and try to run the HAvok 4.0 or the PhysX engine on it and throw some strategic analytic entity in it...... the wii is a gamecube whit a wiimote controller, is like selling a PS2 whit a wiimote, but the ps2 would sell more of course.

 The wii can do AI but not the kind next-gen games are is aiming at, because it would drop the frame rate to the floor, even if they had only the landscape on screen.

I can do a FSM (finite state machines) even on an 8bit processor, but not the kind Next-gen consoles will do, god the wii not even multicored. This next-gen thing is only starting, and the competition between the Xbox 360 and the PS3 will make the games become something unseen before. 

Wii is nice, I’ll buy one for may niece because she is 4 years old, but i have played games since the 2600, i cant go back whit the wii, is like going back to VHS after seen a DVD.

 DarkD i apologize for saying that the 10-20% thing was BS but i thought you where talking about processors in general, and like the guy in the article says there is a 95% output in most. I didn’t put the links because i often don’t have time for that.

AI is one of the hardest problems in Computer Science because throwing more processing power does not greatly improve results. Our understanding of intelligence is largely flawed and it will take decades (or centuries) until we have intelligent agents; if you want to understand how primitive our understanding is look into multi-agent systems or AI.

The current limitation in our understanding of AI limits us to using scripts to express intelligence; this is the same approach that was started in the mid 90's. To a certain extent you can run more scripts that are each more complicated on the PS3 or XBox 360 but the practical limit of both of these was met on PCs a long time ago.

You will not see major improvements in AI on the PS3/XBox 360 ...