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Forums - Sales Discussion - Yes, the Wii is competing with the 360 and PS3, and it's easy to prove it

I have concrete proof that the Wii is competing with PS3 and 360.

I wanted to buy one console and I bought a Wii and didn't buy a PS3 or 360. If the Wii didn't exist I probably would have bought a 360. So for atleast one consumer they are in competition, although I would imagine there are a lot more consumers out there like me.

Just cause you don't like games doesn't make them not core games. What could possibly be more core than a Mario platformer? Mario Platformers have been core games for 20 years.

^Guy pissing on Microsoft Sign


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The argument is so untrue.
Wii, Xbox360 and Ps3 do compete each other with their own strengths & weaknesses.
They are primarily video game consoles.
Why would anybody even have the slightest idea of something else than this is beyond my understanding!

wii number: 8166 7045 0170 7783 (don't forget to inform me if you add me)

saprano1 said:
The_vagabond7 said:
saprano1 said:
Does it really matter though? the wii could sell 200 million systems today, and it would have no effect on ps3.
The rest of the post is irrellevant after this. Hard numbers show this isn't true. Because the wii is selling great, the PS3 and 360 are selling worse. Look at the original post, or the one that links to the article saying without the wii, the market has shrunk by 7% (that's a huge figure). If the wii did not exist, the PS3 and 360 would be selling better. This is fact. This past week is an anamoly in the gaming market, an outlier, totally unheard of. You can't use an outlier as basis for an argument.


what? i agreed the wii is selling well but so what?, is does not matter to the ps3. two different markets, wii will have its wii games ps3 owners dont care about, and the samething for the ps3. the wii is selling hardware yes, but its never going to have the different selection of games the ps2 had, and soon ps3. and for that reason the ps3 is always going to sell well, like i said nintendo is winning in hardware, but what about the games? thats never going to happen as i explained in my post you called irrellevent..........go wii!

Yeah, that's uh...great. Do you know what this topic is about? 


You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

It seems that there is an assumption that since everyone in the world did not abandon the Wii the second that Grand Theft Auto 4 was released then the Wii must be in a different market ... The people who make this assumption seem to forget that the Grand Theft Auto games have only ever sold to (at best) 10% of the market. There are other games people are using to make this claim, but there is a lot of overlap in the people who are interested in these types of games, and these games represent about 25% of existing gamers.

Even though the Wii doesn't have HD graphics it does have games that apeal to these same 25% of gamers, but it doesn't focus on them exclusively like the XBox 360 and PS3 does. Any argument that the Wii doesn't compete with the PS3 and XBox 360 can easily be seen as Nintendo has decided to create a videogame system which directly targets the whole gaming maket (as well as new gamers) with their Blue-Ocean strategy, while Sony and Microsoft have decided to create niche products which appeal to the small segment of core gamers.

The_vagabond7 said:
saprano1 said:
The_vagabond7 said:
saprano1 said:
Does it really matter though? the wii could sell 200 million systems today, and it would have no effect on ps3.
The rest of the post is irrellevant after this. Hard numbers show this isn't true. Because the wii is selling great, the PS3 and 360 are selling worse. Look at the original post, or the one that links to the article saying without the wii, the market has shrunk by 7% (that's a huge figure). If the wii did not exist, the PS3 and 360 would be selling better. This is fact. This past week is an anamoly in the gaming market, an outlier, totally unheard of. You can't use an outlier as basis for an argument.


what? i agreed the wii is selling well but so what?, is does not matter to the ps3. two different markets, wii will have its wii games ps3 owners dont care about, and the samething for the ps3. the wii is selling hardware yes, but its never going to have the different selection of games the ps2 had, and soon ps3. and for that reason the ps3 is always going to sell well, like i said nintendo is winning in hardware, but what about the games? thats never going to happen as i explained in my post you called irrellevent..........go wii!

Yeah, that's uh...great. Do you know what this topic is about? 


yeah, i uh..... do! and if you read my post instead of calling it irellevent, you would see the point it yes the wii fighting in the same market, but it doesn't matter. nintendo is going this way, sony is going that way. they have NO effect on each other, the proof was gta4 week........go wii!

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HappySqurriel said:

It seems that there is an assumption that since everyone in the world did not abandon the Wii the second that Grand Theft Auto 4 was released then the Wii must be in a different market ... The people who make this assumption seem to forget that the Grand Theft Auto games have only ever sold to (at best) 10% of the market. There are other games people are using to make this claim, but there is a lot of overlap in the people who are interested in these types of games, and these games represent about 25% of existing gamers.

Even though the Wii doesn't have HD graphics it does have games that apeal to these same 25% of gamers, but it doesn't focus on them exclusively like the XBox 360 and PS3 does. Any argument that the Wii doesn't compete with the PS3 and XBox 360 can easily be seen as Nintendo has decided to create a videogame system which directly targets the whole gaming maket (as well as new gamers) with their Blue-Ocean strategy, while Sony and Microsoft have decided to create niche products which appeal to the small segment of core gamers.

If gta4 was only on ps3, that would have effected the 360. ps3 sales would have gone up, wile 360 stays normal. why? because ther going after the same gamers, and those gamers want gta4. the wii is not going for that same gamer, do you think mom,dad, little sara, and billy give a crap about gta4? hell no, that why they got a wiii that week. LOL

This is invisible text!

saprano1 said:
HappySqurriel said:

It seems that there is an assumption that since everyone in the world did not abandon the Wii the second that Grand Theft Auto 4 was released then the Wii must be in a different market ... The people who make this assumption seem to forget that the Grand Theft Auto games have only ever sold to (at best) 10% of the market. There are other games people are using to make this claim, but there is a lot of overlap in the people who are interested in these types of games, and these games represent about 25% of existing gamers.

Even though the Wii doesn't have HD graphics it does have games that apeal to these same 25% of gamers, but it doesn't focus on them exclusively like the XBox 360 and PS3 does. Any argument that the Wii doesn't compete with the PS3 and XBox 360 can easily be seen as Nintendo has decided to create a videogame system which directly targets the whole gaming maket (as well as new gamers) with their Blue-Ocean strategy, while Sony and Microsoft have decided to create niche products which appeal to the small segment of core gamers.

If gta4 was only on ps3, that would have effected the 360. ps3 sales would have gone up, wile 360 stays normal. why? because the going after the same gamers, and those gamers want gta4. the wii is not going for that same gamer, do you think mom,dad, little sara, and billy give a crap about gta4? hell no, that why they got a wiii that week. LOL

If 90% of existing gamers do not care about Grand Theft Auto how can you use its lack of effect on the Wii's sales as an excuse for the Wii not competing with the PS3 and XBox 360 unless you're arguing that the PS3 and XBox 360 are only targeting the 10% of gamers that are interested in Grand Theft Auto 4?

I actually have a quick and dirty answer to this question. All three consoles are sold at gamestop, all three are in the same dept. in bigger chains like best buy, walmart and target. Yes they all are competing for the same retail space therefore are direct competitors.

Remember your history or you are doomed to repeat it.

Viacom Boycott

who gives a fudge whether they are competing or not? fact of the matter is, wii is selling better than both anyway.