Tony_Parker said: 1. No they're not failing at all. PS3 is nearly profitable right now, so they're definitely achieving their goal. PS2 is still very succesful. PSP sold 50 million... PSP Go is coming... They're not failing at all, except on fanboy websites. The recession hurts, but it's the same for microsoft.
As soon as they can, Sony will change their strategy to 'gain market share' by cutting the price, and then you'll be amazed by the sales, while if you bothered looking before last september, you'd see it already happened and 2. PS3 was killing the 360 in sales (WORLDWIDE SALES) before the price cut.
I think MS goal with the 360 early release was to kill the PS3. 3. While they succeeded in taking a good market share, they didn't succeed in this goal. PS3 sold what ? More than 20 million, and only 8 million less that MS before the first price cut... This particular goal is a failure.
4. I suspect that's why you see such things like Avatars, Natal, 1vs100... Everything casual. Mostly, MS will try to take some of the Wii crowd now. On the hardcore exclusive content side, they just can't compete with Sony 20+ studios, they just don't want to buy studios, that's not their strategy...
The rest, failure / doom threads, that's in your head... PS3 and 360 are both successful. 5. Part of your mistakes probably come from the fact you live in the US, where the 360 is dominating. The rest of the world begs to differ though... Here in Europe, PS3 already has the same installed base as the 360, so any PS3 price cut would put the 360 far behind, leaving only the US as a dominating country for the 360. |
1. Thats because you have the same mentallity as the Sony execs. Sony is not competing with anyone. Therefore they can never be last and always be first
2. Irrevlevant.....thats like saying we scored 2 runs in a baseball game, but as a whole, the game was stopped in the 5th inning because of the 10 run rule. You have to look at the whole picture and not cherry pick. OK sales picked up but it didn't last long. Same thing will happen again. MS has already said they are in a position to cut.
3. In terms of PS2 to PS3 they succeeded with flying colors and in all actuality Nintendo succeeded bigger than MS could ever dream of. So yes, Nintendo and MS win in this category as well.
4. Let's get something straight. Sony and Microsoft are foaming out of the mouth to become what Nintendo already is. Microsoft is doing a better job of going after that market, but make no mistake about it. They are both lusting after Nintendo with eyes of jealousy. There is no question about that.
5. If I'm wrong in my assessment, then it's not my fault, it's VG chartz. I see the same data every week Microsoft over Sony worldwide. From a mathmatical standpoint your theory is not plausible. it just isn't. Not any time in the immediate future. You guys have said the same thing for years about PS3 taking over Microsoft. You've been wrong so many times it's not even funny. You guys just recycle the same thing over and over. Thats why it has become a laughing matter. It's like the guy who kept crying Wolf. After awhile we stop listening, because we don't believe anything you say.
On a side note: I would buy a PS3 over a 360. (lol) Last Guardian tips it in Sony's favor for me