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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Switch owners; what games do you still plan to get?

Shaunodon said:
Terramlea said:

Do you think they'll announce cross gen games ? 

I suppose we'll only see switch 2 games during that direct.

There's a good chance at least Metroid Prime 4 will be cross-gen. Outside of that I'm not sure, just waiting to see.

Well, nintendo's president said that pokemon legends ZA and metroid prime 4 were still switch 1 only.

That'll be great if they could finally decide to port wind waker hd to switch...  It might be one of the few huge titles to remain on wii u.

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Terramlea said:
Shaunodon said:

There's a good chance at least Metroid Prime 4 will be cross-gen. Outside of that I'm not sure, just waiting to see.

Well, nintendo's president said that pokemon legends ZA and metroid prime 4 were still switch 1 only.

That'll be great if they could finally decide to port wind waker hd to switch...  It might be one of the few huge titles to remain on wii u.

I don't see how his quote says it will only be a Switch 1 game, but it really makes no difference. The game will be playable on both systems. It'd just be better if there was a generational upgrade for people who want it.

More importantly if they were to stealth drop remasters for Metroid Prime 2 and 3 that would be a perfect lead up. I love having complete collections of series on one system like Xenoblade Chronicles, Bayonetta and Pikmin.

Metroid Prime 4 is my last certainty to buy. Interested in a few others there though, got a soft spot for Prof Layton and may get the new Pokemon Legends game

Assuming MP4 will have a Switch 2 version, I'm probably done with purchasing games for the og Switch specifically.  I have Metro Redux, Bioshock collection, Bayonetta 2, DOOM Eternal and Metroid Dread in my backlog/still to finish...possibly something else I'm forgetting about.  With the time it takes me to put in the hours required to complete a game, those will last me beyond when S2 releases.

I dont plan to buy the Switch 2 anytime soon, so honestly my reply to this is simply open to any game Im interested in

Atm Pokemon Legeds ZA is on my radar.

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Terramlea said:
Shaunodon said:

There's a good chance at least Metroid Prime 4 will be cross-gen. Outside of that I'm not sure, just waiting to see.

Well, nintendo's president said that pokemon legends ZA and metroid prime 4 were still switch 1 only.

That'll be great if they could finally decide to port wind waker hd to switch...  It might be one of the few huge titles to remain on wii u.

Forget it! Many people refuse to accept this fact! Of course Switch will get games after Switch 2 release! I am even planning buying games till 2027! Nintendo won't stop Switch 1st party support before march 2026 earliest!! Of course there will be cross gen games but i do not see MP4B or Pokemon ZA part of it despite many do. This is only because they wish for it. MP4B and Pokémon ZA will be Switch 1 only (of course a GOTY edition in 2026 is still possible). I would even bet on this! Like i was right with a 2025 launch back in 2019!

killer7 said:
Terramlea said:

Well, nintendo's president said that pokemon legends ZA and metroid prime 4 were still switch 1 only.

That'll be great if they could finally decide to port wind waker hd to switch...  It might be one of the few huge titles to remain on wii u.

Forget it! Many people refuse to accept this fact! Of course Switch will get games after Switch 2 release! I am even planning buying games till 2027! Nintendo won't stop Switch 1st party support before march 2026 earliest!! Of course there will be cross gen games but i do not see MP4B or Pokemon ZA part of it despite many do. This is only because they wish for it. MP4B and Pokémon ZA will be Switch 1 only (of course a GOTY edition in 2026 is still possible). I would even bet on this! Like i was right with a 2025 launch back in 2019!

At least we know that ZA is a switch one only game just by stating a fact : Gamefreak didn't release any pokemon game as cross gen and they're not able to do such a thing anyway.  Sure, ZA will not do a SV since we'll be able to play on switch 2, but they can't release a clean game once, we better not ask for miracles.

Of course switch 1 will still get games, the ps2 got games like fifa till ps4 era, you can't just ditch 150 millions players, the reason we're still getting ps4 games by the way.

If they plan to support switch 1 with only ports of old gen, i've got my list to send to help them.

MP4 is the only for sure game I'll buy on Switch.

There are plenty more Switch games I'd like to get, maybe a couple still yet to come out but mostly games already released, but with my huge back log I probably won't bother getting most or all of them, and I probably won't bother getting Switch 2 for a few years unless I just neeeeed to play a certain game - first of those is 3D Mario, if it blows me away in a month then I may just end up buying Switch 2 this year just for that game and use the new system to play my Switch games.

But yeah as far as that list and in general this year the only game I am currently planning on buying is Metroid Prime 4.

Metroid Prime 4, maybe Pokémon Legends Z-A, and — if it looks good — Pokémon Champions. I’d imagine Nintendo also got some more ports/remasters cooked up, so I’ll definitely pick those up if they look any good.

I will wait and look how backwards compatability will work (improvements, better graphics or framerate) for games like Zelda totk, xcx, and if a dedicated switch 2 version will come for Metroid prime 4 or Pokémon legends. Hopefully they announce something regarding that in April