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Forums - Sales Discussion - When will the Switch outsell the PS2 and pass 160M ?


When will the Switch pass 160M in units sold?

By summer 2025 1 1.19%
By end of 2025 12 14.29%
By summer 2026 21 25.00%
By end of 2026 19 22.62%
2027 / 2028 14 16.67%
Never 17 20.24%
Production unitsSell-inDelta

Around the Network
Evilms said:
Production unitsSell-inDelta

160 million is a lie. Sony themselfes confirmed 155,1 million shipped PS2s back in 2012 and changed this Nr. 2 times. If they add in produced systems like demo stations wich get sent back to the manufactor and are not for sale, ~ 160 million is a number we could argue but never shipments.

Evilms said:
Production unitsSell-inDelta

I asked on the other site as well but can't we now use this and what we have for PS4 to determine a somewhat accurate figure for PS Vita?

Phenomajp13 said:
Evilms said:
Production unitsSell-inDelta

I asked on the other site as well but can't we now use this and what we have for PS4 to determine a somewhat accurate figure for PS Vita?

If you're talking about this to find out the figures for the PSVita, it's going to be complicated because Sony is talking about ‘Sell-through Surpass 525.3 Million Units’ but the figures for the PS1, PS2, PSP and PS3 that we know are Sell-in. And Sell-in =/= Sell-through.

Evilms said:
Phenomajp13 said:

I asked on the other site as well but can't we now use this and what we have for PS4 to determine a somewhat accurate figure for PS Vita?

If you're talking about this to find out the figures for the PSVita, it's going to be complicated because Sony is talking about ‘Sell-through Surpass 525.3 Million Units’ but the figures for the PS1, PS2, PSP and PS3 that we know are Sell-in. And Sell-in =/= Sell-through.

Lets do some maths: This was in 2018 and Sony says they sold through 525,3 million PS1, PS2, PSP and PS3. All 4 systems where discontinued at the time of this announcement (august 2018). We have 102,49 million PS1, 87,4 millon PS3 and 82,51 million PSP (this number stinks for reasons i mentioned but thats a different topic) so lets calculate: 102,49 PS1+ 87,4 million PS3+ 82,51 million PSP= 272,4 million if i am not mistaken. Ok. Lets subtract this number from 525,3 million: 525,3- 272,4= 252,9 million PS2??? That can't be true. If we add in the PS4 it would be~ 84,23 million for that time. So:

PS1 102,49+ PS3 87,4+ PS4 84,23+PSP 82,51= 

Lets subtract: 525,3- 352,5= 172,8 million PS2? Does not add up quite...

Lets add in the Vita. We know the Vita outsold the WiiU. So lets add in at least 13,57 million Vita systems

PS1 102,49+ PS3 87,4+ PS4~ 84,23+ PSP 82,51+ Vita 13,57= 370,2 million

Lets subtract again: 525,3- 370,2= 155,1 million. We get to exactly (what a surprise) 155,1 million units sell through. Add in the fact that in 2018 only the PS4 and the PSVita where still being produced. And i am pretty pessimistic for the Vita. But its interesting i am getting exattly 155,1 million units, don't you think?

160 million shipped PS2 is nothing more than wishful fantasy!

Around the Network
  • PS1 : +102,40
  • PS2 : +160.00
  • PS3 : +87,40
  • PSP : +82,50

Are Sell-in so not to consumer.

The +525.3M (PS1+PS2+PSP+PS3+PSV+PS4) are Sell-through.

Sell-in =/= Sell-through.

What's more, this figure sale is based on 22 July 2022, so we don't know how many PS4 Sell-in there were on that same date.

You'll never find the PSVita figures like that. You're wasting your time for nothing.

Evilms said:
  • PS1 : +102,40
  • PS2 : +160.00
  • PS3 : +87,40
  • PSP : +82,50

Are Sell-in so not to consumer.

The +525.3M (PS1+PS2+PSP+PS3+PSV+PS4) are Sell-through.

Sell-in =/= Sell-through.

What's more, this figure sale is based on 22 July 2022, so we don't know how many PS4 Sell-in there were on that same date.

You'll never find the PSVita figures like that. You're wasting your time for nothing.

I just did a calculation based on what numbers Sony gave us. As PS1, PS3, and PSP where discontinued at that time they did not move. Of course they where "sold through". PS4 was discontinued in march 2022 because Sony stopped reporting them in their ir documents. You are also ignoring the fact that Sony changed an already confirmed number (155,1 million PS2 shipped march 31, 2012) 2 times. What if Nintendo came out and reported "164 million DS systems sold at march 31, 2015?? You would be the first to jump around. You just do not want to accept facts. And these facts say that 160 million is a lie unless they included shippments of demostations wich where sent back to Sony after its lifetime because they where not for costumers use. And your arguments start to crumble like the Berlin Mall.😘

Evilms said:
  • PS1 : +102,40
  • PS2 : +160.00
  • PS3 : +87,40
  • PSP : +82,50

Are Sell-in so not to consumer.

The +525.3M (PS1+PS2+PSP+PS3+PSV+PS4) are Sell-through.

Sell-in =/= Sell-through.

What's more, this figure sale is based on 22 July 2022, so we don't know how many PS4 Sell-in there were on that same date.

You'll never find the PSVita figures like that. You're wasting your time for nothing.

Im sure we can determine something in the neighborhood for Vita because we have the absolute max (produced) for PS1, PS2, PSP, and PS3 along with shipments for a few consoles and some sell through data for a few. I also get it though because this data is kind of useless to determine shipments (sold). Atleast we are getting something.