firebush03 said:
Sephiran said:
Sony won't start porting their first party games to Switch 2, that would lessen the need to get a Playstation and will just make a competitor console more appealing. |
^This. While I’m not a PC gamer myself, i’d imagine that most PC gamers aren’t coming to console. They would sooner emulate the game than ever consider purchasing the system itself, whether that be to run their games at a consistent 60/120fps, having their library centralized in a single system, etc. Sony recognizes this, and chooses not to wage that war by simply porting their games over. This goes in contrast with console gamers, who would be willing purchase a PS5 (and not emulate) in order to play — for example — God of War. |
As someone working in a store, i highly doubt that. If there is a game someone likes and it sure as hell never releases on their plattform (in this case PC), over 90% would not go the comolicated route to fake run a game called "emmulation" wich sucks in many cases (games have slowdowns, crash...) they would go the easy way and just buy the fucking console and the game they prefere (f.e. Switch with MK, Zelda...). It has nothing to do with "PC Master Race" thats the nature of humans (i have to own whaz i want!) Believe me we even have costumers owning high end PCs buying a PS5 for Spiderman, despite the fact everyone knew it won't be on PC for at least a year or more... For a PC gamer, who spend 1000s of $ for a new GPU with hardly any difference, 500€ is nothing!