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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I'm trying to make a twitch game show strictly about video games

Hi everyone,

I need your honest opinion on this. Don't spare my feelings. I won't improve if you're not honest. As the title says, I'm trying to make a gaming show. The idea right now is a 10 question show. Each answer will be $5. I tried a beta with 3 people on twitch. Mind you, I let certain things fly only because it was a beta. But once I get things down, I want to make this a bi-weekly event.

Anyway, here is the video since I posted it to my youtube. Your opinions good are bad are very appreciated. I posted the video of the beta below

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I think when you're starting a project like this... the chances of it being a major success are incredibly remote. So, you have to ask yourself... If nobody watches this, would I still have fun doing this? If the answer is no, I wouldn't bother.

JWeinCom said:

I think when you're starting a project like this... the chances of it being a major success are incredibly remote. So, you have to ask yourself... If nobody watches this, would I still have fun doing this? If the answer is no, I wouldn't bother.

Well I'd have to enjoy doing it in the first place or it'll never get off the ground.  I didn't really promote it would when I tried it as I wanted to see a sample test run.

The good thing is though, in theory, EVERYONE watching would be a contestant. It's the kind of thing open any subscriber. The general feedback I got from a few people is that it's a good concept, but needs some editing and a few tweeks like text color-altering

Thanks for the critique, it's appreciated