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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

Farsala said:

There are far too many straw mans in your arguments for me to bother giving you a response. Just fyi.

I am not going to argue for things that I have never argued for in the past. Complete waste of time.

Then you don't have an argument if all you can do is turn tail and run.
Your perspective on selfishness is simply incorrect.

So answer me this... If a woman who focuses on her career over child-rearing is selfish...
Then why am I not selfish for choosing to save lives over raising children? It's just a job, right?

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Around the Network
Farsala said:

I won't respond to his straw man arguments. I did respond to his post though.

I mean, you're the one using a duplicitous process of argumentation and retreating when pressed on the logical consequences of your position.

Having children or not has literally nothing to do with being selfless or selfish. One can just as easily argue the opposite of what you were saying based on environmental grounds and vanity. Does Elon Musk look selfless to you?






Well I was expecting to find commentary about Biden calling Zelensky Putin and how he is deranged, but instead it's about women being selfish for not having children lol?

I'll throw something into this argument. Is it more selfish for people who can't afford (i.e. unemployed people) to have a litter of them then expect the rest of the population to pick up the bill? 9/10 of these children will grow up to be unemployed like their parents because of the environment they are in and don't have the mental capacity to escape it when their own family brings them down.

I'd rather educated women make up their mind on how many children they want and can afford to raise then be a burden on society and bread uncontrollably. In a country like Australia with people from all parts of the world, it is easy to see which cultures respect women and which use them for breading beyond their means.



Chrkeller said:
rapsuperstar31 said:

When Russia conquers England, and Trump laughs about not helping his ext NATO partners good luck.

Russia is getting all they can handle from Ukraine....  not sure why anyone would think they can take on the UK anytime soon.  

Pemalite said:
rapsuperstar31 said:

When Russia conquers England, and Trump laughs about not helping his ext NATO partners good luck.

This fear mongering doesn't do any good.
Russia's war machine has been showcased to be rather inadequate on the world stage, it's giving Ukraine a hard time, but it would be a far different story once someone like Germany, Britain, France or Italy get threatened, the technological superiority is a night and day difference.

It's definitely fearmongering that Russia could conquer the UK but I don't think it's fear mongering that we're inching closer to a war between Europe and Russia and it is becoming an increasingly common sentiment in Eastern Europe and contrary to what some would believe, rolling over and pissing our pants does not discourage Russia from further violence, it is the continued show of cowardice by Western Europe and America which inches us closer to war and encourages Russia further.

Russia just tried to assassinate the CEO of Rheinmetall, the largest Germany arms manufacturer, the 5th largest in Europe overall, it would be like Russia trying to assassinate the CEO of Lockheed Martin and what was our response? Nothing. Oh actually, we did respond after this came out, America and Germany yesterday were crying about how Ukraine being allowed to strike airfields in Russia would be escalation. Anyone following the war has seen time and time again, continued fear displayed by Western Europe, reactive instead of proactive every single time.

What does this tell Russia? Tells them that Western Europe and America are cowards and the moment you remove America from the picture via a Trump election, whether this is true or not, it would further encourage Russia into the belief that the West would be paralysed with fear and won't respond to further Russian escalation, Russia will continue to push and probe. So I'm not worried about the UK, I'm worried about whether Western Europe would save the Baltics in the time it takes for them to stop pissing their pants at the thought of conflict with Russia.

We could beat Russia, but the thing every Western leader is terrified about is nukes, I don't share their concerns that Russia will use a nuke but that doesn't mean shit, European leaders are terrified of the prospect. But you underestimate how bad it would be for Europe still, UK's military has been smashed by years of austerity, Germany's offensive capabilities are dire through years of a lack of investment, Italy and Spain barely send anything to Ukraine and France's military is spread thin in other countries. We'd win but it would still be a brutal war.

Russia's "special military operation" would be a different ballgame to a "mass mobilisation war with Europe" which would allow them to mobilise millions more soldiers, Russia is being shown up in Ukraine but they aren't using absolutely everything they have, every single soldier, nor every single Naval vessel because Türkiye closed the strait so Russia still has the Northern, Baltic and Pacific Fleet on standby.

I'm more worried about Ukraine losing, Russia still has a few years left with this war machine and hundreds of thousands of citizens to throw into the meatgrinder, nobody is standing up to Putin, they still have hundreds-thousands of pieces of equipment, they've switched into a war-economy footing and are making more missiles during the war than they were before the war despite sanctions, Russia is still making small gains everyday (very costly ones) in Ukraine but if America pulls support from Ukraine then Ukraine loses, as simple as that.

I'm worried about what a Russian win does for Russia's mentality, the confidence it will give them, Russia is already selling this to their public that the war in Ukraine is a war against NATO/The Collective West, if they beat Ukraine despite everything we're sending to them that will boost their confidence that they could take more and now the country has spent years in war mode, it will be all it knows. I'm worried about Moldova being next, Moldova isn't Ukraine, they would be wiped out with ease and once again NATO wouldn't protect them because they aren't in NATO.

I'm worried about my allies, the Baltics, even a struggling Russia against Ukraine would have little issue with the Baltic armies and if there's a scenario where America stops intel sharing with Europe, as Trump's allies have warned, if Trump abandons Europe, as Trump's allies have warned and stops all support to Ukraine, as Trump has told Orban he would do, then I ask the question, would Western Europe be able to protect the Baltics in time? People in the Baltics don't even think the current West will defend them anymore and I can't say I blame them for that attitude.

Cobretti2 said:

Well I was expecting to find commentary about Biden calling Zelensky Putin and how he is deranged, but instead it's about women being selfish for not having children lol?

I'll throw something into this argument. Is it more selfish for people who can't afford (i.e. unemployed people) to have a litter of them then expect the rest of the population to pick up the bill? 9/10 of these children will grow up to be unemployed like their parents because of the environment they are in and don't have the mental capacity to escape it when their own family brings them down.

I'd rather educated women make up their mind on how many children they want and can afford to raise then be a burden on society and bread uncontrollably. In a country like Australia with people from all parts of the world, it is easy to see which cultures respect women and which use them for breading beyond their means.

That's a racist and sexist observation...

But you touch on the right point "because of the environment they are in". Socio-economic status has a far bigger factor on family size than culture.

The biggest thing is how secure the social net is per country and how well developed the country is.

Hong Kong has the lowest birth rate, 0.7
Malta (lowest in Europe) 1.1
China 1.2 (but they had a one child policy from 1980 to 2016, 2 child limit to 2021, then fines scrapped July 2021)
Finland 1.3
Canada 1.3
Germany 1.5
UK 1.6
Australia 1.6
United States 1.7
Iran 1.7
India 2.0
Israel 2.9
West Bank / Gaza 3.4

On the other end

Niger 6.7
Chad and Somalia 6.2
Congo, Dem. Rep. 6.1
Afghanistan 4.5
Sudan 4.4

In developing countries your children are your social net, no government retirement plans.

There is also a correlation between education factor and family size. Of course the longer you study, the later you generally would have children. And some professions don't leave you much time for children at all.

Another thing, are people that adopt/foster a lot of children for government assistance selfish or selfless....

And are the people giving up their child because they don't have the means to take care of them selfish or selfless...

Are the people having lots of children for their religion selfish or selfless.

The selfish / selfless debate doesn't really fit, socio-economic status, the quest for wealth vs enjoying a big family, religion, all play a bigger role.

Around the Network
rapsuperstar31 said:
only777 said:

As someone who's grandfather had to fight the actual Nazi's:

Shut the fuck up.

Idiots like you call people you don't like Nazi's like that's an okay thing to do.  Fuck off.  I live in England, and thankful we have a left wing govenment now, but pricks like you need to stop claiming that loud right wingers are equal to people that actually gased Jews.

Fuck off.

When Russia conquers England, and Trump laughs about not helping his ext NATO partners good luck.

My god the conspiracy nutters are out in force today!

Sony want to make money by selling art, Nintendo want to make money by selling fun, Microsoft want to make money.

BFR said:
the-pi-guy said:

I think at this point, Biden needs to drop out. Doesn't matter if he's competent 95% of the time, or even if he's always more competent than Trump. I don't think it matters any more if the issue is getting overblown or not.  

There's a huge decrease in faith in Biden.  

I have said this before in this thread. There's no time for him to drop out now, and for the Dems to agree on a new candidate.

The Republican convention starts next Monday.  The Democratic convention starts on Monday, August 19, a little over a month from now.

What is wrong with America?

Here in England Rishi announced an election and 8 weeks later the whole thing was done and finished.  THE WHOLE ELECTION!

Why on earth can't an American political party just get a new leader in at least that time?

Sony want to make money by selling art, Nintendo want to make money by selling fun, Microsoft want to make money.

Pemalite said:
Farsala said:

There are far too many straw mans in your arguments for me to bother giving you a response. Just fyi.

I am not going to argue for things that I have never argued for in the past. Complete waste of time.

Then you don't have an argument if all you can do is turn tail and run.
Your perspective on selfishness is simply incorrect.

So answer me this... If a woman who focuses on her career over child-rearing is selfish...
Then why am I not selfish for choosing to save lives over raising children? It's just a job, right?

You know I can easily reverse that and make similar straw man arguments right?

If a woman sacrifices everything for their family is not selfless then what is it? Selfish?

You chose to live a dangerous life, that was your own (selfish) decision. Helping people is obviously a selfless act though.

Let's say I told my parents I wanted to climb Mt. Everest and went and died. I think that would be pretty selfish. Now lets say that I went to Mt Everest to save people and raise a billions dollars for the best charity. Pretty selfless.

only777 said:
BFR said:

I have said this before in this thread. There's no time for him to drop out now, and for the Dems to agree on a new candidate.

The Republican convention starts next Monday.  The Democratic convention starts on Monday, August 19, a little over a month from now.

What is wrong with America?

Here in England Rishi announced an election and 8 weeks later the whole thing was done and finished.  THE WHOLE ELECTION!

Why on earth can't an American political party just get a new leader in at least that time?

You're comparing an election to a leadership contest.

Tories haven't currently selected their next leader, the last one was October where Rishi ran unopposed, the one before that ran from 13 July – 5 September, before that it was 7 June – 23 July 2019, before that it was 29 June – 11 July 2016, before that it was 7 October – 6 December. Takes a couple weeks - a couple months for (at least the Tories) to select a new leader.

The USA is 40x bigger than the UK, Lol. Lot more considerations to take into account, lot more people trying to fight for power. It's a few months before the actual election too, So that's why it should be Harris, an open convention would be a disaster. Rishi didn't open a leadership contest a few months before the UK election, he did it after losing, Lol. So it's not really comparable.

It's either way going to be a huge risk.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 July 2024

SvennoJ said:
Cobretti2 said:

Well I was expecting to find commentary about Biden calling Zelensky Putin and how he is deranged, but instead it's about women being selfish for not having children lol?

I'll throw something into this argument. Is it more selfish for people who can't afford (i.e. unemployed people) to have a litter of them then expect the rest of the population to pick up the bill? 9/10 of these children will grow up to be unemployed like their parents because of the environment they are in and don't have the mental capacity to escape it when their own family brings them down.

I'd rather educated women make up their mind on how many children they want and can afford to raise then be a burden on society and bread uncontrollably. In a country like Australia with people from all parts of the world, it is easy to see which cultures respect women and which use them for breading beyond their means.

That's a racist and sexist observation...

But you touch on the right point "because of the environment they are in". Socio-economic status has a far bigger factor on family size than culture.

The biggest thing is how secure the social net is per country and how well developed the country is.

Hong Kong has the lowest birth rate, 0.7
Malta (lowest in Europe) 1.1
China 1.2 (but they had a one child policy from 1980 to 2016, 2 child limit to 2021, then fines scrapped July 2021)
Finland 1.3
Canada 1.3
Germany 1.5
UK 1.6
Australia 1.6
United States 1.7
Iran 1.7
India 2.0
Israel 2.9
West Bank / Gaza 3.4

On the other end

Niger 6.7
Chad and Somalia 6.2
Congo, Dem. Rep. 6.1
Afghanistan 4.5
Sudan 4.4

In developing countries your children are your social net, no government retirement plans.

There is also a correlation between education factor and family size. Of course the longer you study, the later you generally would have children. And some professions don't leave you much time for children at all.

Another thing, are people that adopt/foster a lot of children for government assistance selfish or selfless....

And are the people giving up their child because they don't have the means to take care of them selfish or selfless...

Are the people having lots of children for their religion selfish or selfless.

The selfish / selfless debate doesn't really fit, socio-economic status, the quest for wealth vs enjoying a big family, religion, all play a bigger role.

I agree that social economic status plays a part. But this is going a step further. There are people who refuse to work and haven't worked a day in their lives, bread irresponsibly because they know our government will support them indefinitely. Then they brainwash their kids to be the same instead of become tax paying working citizens. I personally don't care how many children people have but take responsibility for them don't expect others to pay for them.