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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Runoff 2014, Game of the Year


2014, Game of the Year Runoff

Dark Souls II 6 14.29%
Bayonetta 2 5 11.90%
Mario Kart 8 11 26.19%
Divinity: Original Sin 3 7.14%
Alien: Isolation 7 16.67%
DKC: Tropical Freeze 10 23.81%
FlashmanHarry said:
HoloDust said:

Yeah, they are way too short, I missed this one completely (not that it would matter, I was abstaining anyway, since I didn't play Bayonetta out of the contenders in run-off, and that seemed like it could actually deserve the title).

Ya I missed this one also. Voted Mario Kart 8 in the first round but missed the run off vote. 

Haha there was a run-off?  That result is wild.

In between my fatigue and this website making my phone feel like its going to catch on fire I try to not check this site every day.

Still at least the final poll result shows Mario Kart 8 contesting with the others after I believe it narrowly won the first round.

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Hell yeah, DKC!
I didn't think it would win, but the Kongs reign supreme.

Kinda funny that 2 Wii U exclusives are the top of the list with a 3rd one that was in contention in the runoff considering the consoles disastrous fate lol. Shows just how great of a console the Wii U really was. I'll never regret getting one! 

DKC Tropical Freeze still the greatest 2D platformer ever and I will definitely vote for it again in what currently seems to be, a second runoff. 

I just saw the front page. Awesome to see Tropical Freeze pull it off!