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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft considered acquiring Bungie and Sega (and more) to bolster Xbox Game Pass, internal emails show

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Someone buy the Omega Boost IP from Sony and give it to Platinum. Same with Zone of the Enders. Take it from Konami and give it to PG.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Qwark said:
mjk45 said:

Talk about economic mismanagement you could have bought the whole IP and saved your self $2.00 still having said that you most likely dodged a bullet otherwise you would have been stuck with Yoshida.

PS. what would you do with him post your suggestions below.

Making him join Microsoft of course and let him push for MS to buy Square Enix and lock PlayStation out of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts and Dragon Quest. Just like Xbox was. Also let Microsoft revive LOD since PlayStation is not interested at all. And make MS the ultimate JRPG platform and by that giving the industry a big Uno Reverse card.

You anarchist you. you know what would happen, he would tell MS to forget about buying Square Enix because he has played FF, KH and DQ and they aren't that good and if asked about how much time he had put into each his reply would while I have an history of being thorough by putting in at least an hour's playtime before I declare a game to be crap, in this case with the series having more games than I have time to waste I decided it was 2 minutes per game till either the hour or my patience were done.

In LoD's case he would tell MS having helped make LoD, it not getting a sequel when I was boss of Sony's WWS should tell you everything you need to know .

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot