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I've never seen a political turnaround like this before. In two weeks, the energy and momentum have flipped. Trump was on his way to scoring a game winning TD and Harris intercepted the ball. The proverbial political football metaphor is more apt than ever.

haxxiy said:

I've seen some data today that young men are not OK... but not catastrophically so as some believe either.

These tend to be low-engagement voters, but show that Republicans are probably going nowhere in the future even as women consistently lead to Democratic wins.

(I wouldn't be surprised if some of those manosphere types trend more to a libertarian profile as they get older, though.)

There is hope:

Ryuu96 said:

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

Around the Network

Harris just acquired 50 more ad soundbites. 🥴

Goddamn. Lmao...This Trump speech is...Something else. I don't know how any Republican can watch this and not be nervous, or think "This guy is stable" This speech makes me wonder what Trump's internal polling is saying, he is scared as hell. Democrats shouldn't get overconfident but Jesus, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 August 2024





Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 August 2024


This is actually amazing.

Someone get this man into the care-home already.


Why did he mention a sofa 😂😂😂

JD Vance's ears just pricked up when he heard that; "Sofa?! Where?!"

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 August 2024

Around the Network

I'm not a Trump fan clearly but I feel like standing up and clapping for Trump right now. Thank you, Trump, for all the ammo, Harris Team must be thrilled. If this was Biden the media would be demanding someone sections him CNN legit fact checked his claim that Americans can't buy bacon Senile old man.

Anyway, Trump proposed 3 debates, 1 on Fox News on September 4th, 1 on ABC on September 10th and 1 on NBC on September 25th. Harris team has agreed to the ABC debate (u'know, the one already agreed to which Trump was trying to back out of) and are in discussions for the NBC one. They've not agreed to the Fox debate, likely cause it's an obvious trap, Trump will do that one then pull out the other two.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 August 2024


I actually expected this press conference might be a formal demotion of JD Vance as his running mate.  Instead we get Trump being Trump.  He gained no new ground and handed plenty of ammo to Democrats.  He doesn't learn.  

Ryuu96 said:

Harris just acquired 50 more ad soundbites. 

Goddamn. Lmao...This Trump speech is...Something else. I don't know how any Republican can watch this and not be nervous, or think "This guy is stable" This speech makes me wonder what Trump's internal polling is saying, he is scared as hell. Democrats shouldn't get overconfident but Jesus, Lol.

His supporters come in a few camps:

1. Far right. They hold the most fascist, racist, misogynistic, hateful views and use Trump as their voice.

2. Uninformed regular right. Decent people with conservative views that barely hear any news except right wing media, right wings social media, immediate family, etc...

3. Republican Jesus followers. People that use selected Bible passages to support their alignment with pieces from camp 1 above.

4. In too deep. People who jumped hard on the Trump bandwagon who are afraid to get off of it now.  Ego, hubris and cognitive dissonance keep them on the train.

5. Party loyalists. People that just want a Republican POTUS regardless of how competent he is.

6. Anti-establishment lite. Uninformed people outside of politics that see Trump as a table flipper and swamp drainer.

7. Trolls. Some people just want to watch the world burn. Either they they have money to insulate them from the fire or not enough imagination to see how it will impact them too.

8. Apolitical fair weather fans. People outside of politics that just like to latch on to a winning team (though they may not realize how much they are actually losing).

I wish I could say that I've known more 2s than the rest but 4s and 5s are very common.  At least I don't know many 1s or at least they are not loud about it. Out of all of them, I prefer 5s because they tend to be the most honest.  They can admit he's not mentally well and horribly brazen. 

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

Lawrence ripping into the news networks, including his own.

The media in America is an utter joke, Lawrence is spitting facts.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 09 August 2024