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Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 02 August 2024

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PA Democrats...Are they trying to pressure Harris into picking Shapiro? Would annoy me if I was Harris, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 02 August 2024


I hope it won't be Shapiro

Possible Kamala Harris VP pick faces criticism for anti-Palestinian op-ed

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, who is said to be among the frontrunners to be Harris’s running mate, is facing rebuke for an article he wrote when he was in college in which he said Palestinians are “too battle-minded” to have peace with Israel.

The op-ed, first exposed by the Philadelphia Inquirer, played down the prospect of solving the conflict after White House talks between then-Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in 1993.

“Palestinians will not coexist peacefully,” Shapiro wrote in the article. “They do not have the capabilities to establish their own homeland and make it successful even with the aid of Israel and the United States. They are too battle-minded to be able to establish a peaceful homeland of their own.”

The would-be governor also wrote that Arafat was in danger of being assassinated “by his fellow belligerent Arabs”. But it was Rabin who was killed by a fellow Israeli in 1995.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Action said Shapiro’s comment was disqualifying.

“The racist, anti-Palestinian views Governor Shapiro clearly expressed are deeply disturbing and should disqualify him from further consideration as the 2024 Democratic [vice] president nominee,” the group said in a statement.

There go the swing votes again

Swing voters are mostly socially conservative but economically liberal, that wouldn't matter at all to them.

It would cost Harris with the progressive base, though, so it's a wash at best, and the first rule of VPs is 'do no harm.'






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I thought Republicans hated safe spaces.

I hope Harris doesn't agree to the Fox debate, it's an obvious trap, Trump agreed on the ABC debate back in May which was after he decided to sue Stephanopoulos in March. Now suddenly because Harris is the nominee instead of Biden he is backing out (not because of a "conflict of interests") and he wants to hold a debate in a crowd of his supporters, essentially a MAGA rally, with biased Fox moderators throwing him softball questions (same Fox who was successfully sued for their election stealing claims), the braindead crowd will just boo over anything Kamala says.

Nobody will watch Fox News anyway aside from Republican diehards.

Harris will set policy, not Shapiro, so I'm not worried about it from that standpoint.

This was 31 years ago as well, Shapiro would have been 20. Incredibly shitty thing to say but I don't know if it's completely irreversible in light of more recent statements said by Shapiro. The thing is, Pennsylvania is the most important swing state and Josh is very popular there, this won't change that, so if Democrats don't think they can get PA without Josh then it'll be him.

But he would have to go on an apology tour, he would have to reach out to Arab communities, I don't think it'll be too damaging or irreversible to Harris campaign but it will be unneeded distraction, it will cause some conflict and drama, I still think Shapiro is a strong choice for VP from a political standpoint but he's also more risky than Kelly and Walz cause of the baggage around him.

It'll be Michigan we would have to worry about with Josh.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 August 2024

They all have some varying degree of drama on this issue as well. Mark Kelly clapping during Netanyahu's unhinged speech will be mentioned if he's picked. Though Shapiro's comments are definitely the worse but they'll all probably be hit by it in some degree except Beshear who has kept his cards close to his chest on this issue, stating in the past that “Israel has a strong ally in the United States,” “When you have disagreements with a strong ally, I think you have them privately and I don't think you can litigate foreign policy through the press.”

Beshear gives me Keir Starmer vibes a little, boring and safe but competent, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 August 2024

One well-known Biden favorite? Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro. Biden is a “big fan of Shapiro’s,” a senior adviser to the president told CNN. And given that the president himself frequently traveled to Pennsylvania as a candidate and has made no bones about the fact that he sees the state as one of the most important battleground states heading into November – just as it was in 2020 – for some of the president’s advisers, it’s hard to imagine him personally rooting for anyone but Shapiro.

That is, perhaps, anyone other than Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. The most obvious reason? “He’s just a blast,” this adviser said.


Seems Biden is team Shapiro but if not Shapiro then he has a high opinion on Walz.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 August 2024

Ryuu96 said:

Harris will set policy, not Shapiro, so I'm not worried about it from that standpoint.

This was 31 years ago as well, Shapiro would have been 20. Incredibly shitty thing to say but I don't know if it's completely irreversible in light of more recent statements said by Shapiro. The thing is, Pennsylvania is the most important swing state and Josh is very popular there, this won't change that, so if Democrats don't think they can get PA without Josh then it'll be him.

But he would have to go on an apology tour, he would have to reach out to Arab communities, I don't think it'll be too damaging or irreversible to Harris campaign but it will be unneeded distraction, it will cause some conflict and drama, I still think Shapiro is a strong choice for VP from a political standpoint but he's also more risky than Kelly and Walz cause of the baggage around him.

It'll be Michigan we would have to worry about with Josh.

True. He can defend himself by saying he was misguided in the past and agrees now with Harris on Palestinian suffering and the rise of Islamophobia, while Trump is openly hostile to Muslims now and only getting worse. Trump keeps using 'Palestinian' as a slur...

I don't know how many Muslim voters Harris needs in Michigan, but they won't vote for Trump. It's just a matter of getting enough to come out to vote for Harris.