Reading through Idas summary.
The CMA Expects That Cloud Gaming Will Cannibalise Sales of Games Too (Page 73)
As noted above, given the market is still developing, we also do not have real world evidence of consumer diversion between different options. However, we would expect the evidence on diversion and segmentation between B2P and MGS on console presented above to apply to cloud gaming too, given the point about cannibalising sales holds for cloud gaming too, with the additional option of BYOG—which in practice is similar to B2P for the customer, although with the flexibility to use the game across compatible platforms–not changing that assessment.
But how? You literally have to buy the game to stream it. You can't stream a GeForce Now title without first buying it.
They must be talking about those who buy the same title on multiple different storefronts but I think that is a tiny portion overall.
The CMA Now Considers That Parts of ABK Content Will Be Available on Subscription Services (Page 86)
We are of the view that the assessment of the likelihood of Activision's content becoming available on MGS services or cloud gaming services is best carried out within the competitive assessment. For the reasons set out in our competitive assessment, we consider that absent the Merger, in the foreseeable future, Activision 'day and date' content would become available on cloud gaming services, but not on MGS services on gaming consoles, at least for Activision's most valuable games. However, we consider that Activision would likely place increasingly valuable parts of its gaming catalogue on MGS services as these services continue to grow.
"Likely" more guessing.
According to MS, Nintendo (Switch) Has a Lower Proportion of Young Gamers Than Playstation and Xbox (Page 101)
In response to the suggestion that Nintendo's offering is likely different to other consoles by virtue of its target audience, Microsoft submitted that Nintendo does not just target a family-friendly audience, and instead offers a broader range of 'mature' content than Xbox which are also actively marketed. Microsoft stated that several of Nintendo Switch's latest exclusives have been non 'family-friendly' games and have received mature ratings. Microsoft also submitted data showing that the distribution of gamers by age on all three consoles is similar, to further substantiate that Nintendo caters to a similar audience as Xbox and PlayStation. It also submitted that, according to the same data, on average the Switch has a lower proportion of young gamers [REDACTED] than SIE and Microsoft's consoles.
However, Data Shows That Switch's Most Popular Games Tend to be Targeted at a Family Audience (Page 106)
The above evidence suggests that the Switch is differentiated from PlayStation and Xbox. We note the Parties' submission above that the distribution of gamers by age on the Switch is not very different to Xbox or PlayStation. We also note that the Switch offers some content for a mature audience. However, the technical differences noted above mean that users do not generally play certain types of games on the Switch which are more popular on Xbox and PlayStation. The evidence on the extent of overlap between the titles that are popular on each of the consoles also shows that the Switch's most popular titles tend to be targeted at a family audience. We consider that family-friendly content is differentiated and may be more complementary to the other consoles' content. The same evidence also shows that the overlap between the Switch's most popular titles and the most popular titles on each of PlayStation and Xbox is low compared to the corresponding overlap between PlayStation and Xbox. Therefore, we consider that while the Switch may be a substitute to either PlayStation or Xbox for some gamers, overall it is likely to be less so.
I could actually buy this, it's like CMA is naive to how many f*cking children play CoD and Fortnite, Lol.
CoD is targeted at 18+, it doesn't mean shit, it's mostly teenagers playing it, Lol.
Pokemon is targeted at children, it's largely played by adults though.
Reminds me of the meme, Lol.