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chakkra said:
Imaginedvl said:


Ok, let me see if I understand this correctly: So you're telling me that Xbox One owners should be happy that Playstation gamers are able to play a game that they are not able to play, because that is good for Microsoft..

Welp, I agree with you on one thing, internet is indeed weird..

But who made that choice/decision XboxMS or Sony? If it is Sony who choose to not let Xbox owners play a game then you can not really blame xbox. But if that happens do you think it is good for gamers? 

Around the Network
chakkra said:
Imaginedvl said:

"having Xbox games releasing on Play Station is a good thing for them"

Not sure where you saw that I say it was a good thing for Xbox One owners... ? Looks like you are one of those Xbox fans who disagree with me then :) So yah, I do not know what you want to me "remind" you. Sound like a you-problem if you ask me, never came up with that in the first place ;)

Now, if we want to really talk about what could be the benefits for the Xbox side; when you have less than 10% of the marketshare. Selling your games on the other 90% is probably a good thing for the studios, and ultimately Xbox gamers if they get new games for their consoles; not sure why you would see this as a bad thing? They did virtually no money at all with their game, and not because of GamePass... But because the market is completely in the end of Play Station.

Unless you say that putting (selling) those games on Play Station or Switch is why they have 10% of the market share today? I do not think so :D

Ok, let me see if I understand this correctly: So you're telling me that Xbox One owners should be happy that Playstation gamers are able to play a game that they are not able to play, because that is good for Microsoft..

Welp, I agree with you on one thing, internet is indeed weird..

Also, again, I am not telling you that Xbox One owners should be happy. You made that up, and you keep coming up with it. I am not sure why you insist on that. In my second reply, I simply tried to see what is beneficial for Xbox in general, as you seemed to be insisting on that. Also, you are very condescending (while being 100% wrong as I never said what you pretend to understand) since your first reply... Just chill now; I get it; not everybody is on board with what Microsoft is doing. You still need to take the time to read what I write correctly before to reply with made up stuff and then reply again with the same "understanding".

Please, point me out WHERE did I say in my initial post that Xbox One Owners (not sure why you also insist on the "Xbox One" specifically) should be happy? Where did you see that? You are so focused on being upset that you are making up whatever will fit your already made up reply.

For reference, I said "PLAY STATION fanboys or console warriors most especially" should be happy to be able to play the Xbox games on their system instead of downplaying it at every possible occasion. Not the opposite; I never said anything about the Xbox One owners...

I agree that Console Wars people are weird :) Maybe not the whole internet.

Last edited by Imaginedvl - 13 hours ago

TheRealSamusAran said:
Imaginedvl said:

To be honnest; I do not understand at all the console war people. Even from the start (and hardcore Xbox fans may disagree with me); having Xbox games releasing on Play Station is a good thing for them lol... But instead of being happy about it; those idiots (the console wars freaks) are making this about how bad it is etc..

They do not understand that without Xbox and Nintendo, those idiots would be paying even more that what Sony is screwing them with right now... So instead of being happy about what Xbox is doing (granted, they would not do that if they would not be in that position since the Xbox One); they keep going at trying to downplay everything even if it is in their favor...

Internet is just weird

Errrrrr, you're sharing two conflicting opinions. I completely agree with the second paragraph, where you even say "they would be paying even more than what Sony is screwing them with right now". But the reason Sony can even screw their customers this much right now is because they already don't have any direct competition anymore, because it turns out that exclusives sell consoles. They didn't even need to put the games on PS5, putting they all on PC on day 1 was enough to kill the console.

And heck, they should NOT EVER make ips from studios they bought exclusives, that is a major ahole move to the old fans of the ips. But stuff like Halo, Forza, Gears, whatever else is an original Xbox ip, they should have remained exclusive.

Well :) That's kinda true I guess. I still want to believe that it would be way worse without Nintendo and Xbox :D 

A lot of sales going on but only bought:

Ominous Tales: The Forsaken Isle
Hell Pie

Imaginedvl said:
smroadkill15 said:

I'm already seeing some damage control with this Xbox handheld rumor. Who would have thought a "dead" hardware brand would ruffle so many feathers.

To be honnest; I do not understand at all the console war people. Even from the start (and hardcore Xbox fans may disagree with me); having Xbox games releasing on Play Station is a good thing for them lol... But instead of being happy about it; those idiots (the console wars freaks) are making this about how bad it is etc..

They do not understand that without Xbox and Nintendo, those idiots would be paying even more that what Sony is screwing them with right now... So instead of being happy about what Xbox is doing (granted, they would not do that if they would not be in that position since the Xbox One); they keep going at trying to downplay everything even if it is in their favor...

Internet is just weird

The thing is, these people have yet to fully and actually realise that the console wars are dead and gone, a relic of the past.

Today it really and truly is about the company ecosystem, about what each company can offer within each given ecosystem they operate/own. This is why we're seeing more pushing for account creation/profile migration, instead of "buy my piece of plastic and stay locked down to that single piece of plastic", now it's "buy any piece of plastic and sign into my ecosystem account anywhere in the world on nearly any device".

But the console warriors cannot accept this kind of change, because it really fucks with the original style in which the console wars were constructed. No longer is it about a piece of plastic, a closed box and said closed box's lifetime sales, but now it's all about how many people they can reach and how many games they can deliver, and what extra functionalities said company can provide it's customers (which in turn end up forming multiple layers of competition between other companies providing similar aspects to their ecosystems). 

What I really do not get, is why some people are strictly comparing any handheld device to the Switch and claiming some made up rules that "it has to be compared this way or the device isn't a device and it'll fail". No, what matters is what the device can offer, what level and degree of functionality it can provide that matters. No one buys a ROG Ally, fully expecting Nintendo-level 1st party games, because that logic is dumb and fanboyish of an expectation. 

The reason I want to buy a Steam Deck is because I know I'll be able to use it on the go, use it as a mini desktop, as well as gain access to the games I already own on Steam, thus saving me money in the long-run. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Around the Network
Chazore said:
Imaginedvl said:

To be honnest; I do not understand at all the console war people. Even from the start (and hardcore Xbox fans may disagree with me); having Xbox games releasing on Play Station is a good thing for them lol... But instead of being happy about it; those idiots (the console wars freaks) are making this about how bad it is etc..

They do not understand that without Xbox and Nintendo, those idiots would be paying even more that what Sony is screwing them with right now... So instead of being happy about what Xbox is doing (granted, they would not do that if they would not be in that position since the Xbox One); they keep going at trying to downplay everything even if it is in their favor...

Internet is just weird

What I really do not get, is why some people are strictly comparing any handheld device to the Switch and claiming some made up rules that "it has to be compared this way or the device isn't a device and it'll fail". No, what matters is what the device can offer, what level and degree of functionality it can provide that matters. No one buys a ROG Ally, fully expecting Nintendo-level 1st party games, because that logic is dumb and fanboyish of an expectation. 

The reason I want to buy a Steam Deck is because I know I'll be able to use it on the go, use it as a mini desktop, as well as gain access to the games I already own on Steam, thus saving me money in the long-run. 

This one annoys me, and I think it just links into the console wars nonsense that you spoke about, if something isn't #1 it's a failure, if it hasn't sold 50m+ it's a failure, a lot of people can't seem to grasp that something can be a success without selling tens of millions or being #1. Fact is, if something is profitable for a company, it is not a failure, it does not need to be #1 to sell tens upon tens of millions.

I see it with the SteamDeck, ah it's sold below 10m so it's a failure, uh, no, it is likely profitable for Valve and it's an extension of their ecosystem, it is not a failure to Valve because it didn't sell anywhere close to Nintendo Switch. Silly. I do believe future Xbox devices will be more niche as well, cater to a more hardcore audience, but profitable for Microsoft, but I can't wait for the years of "Lol! Failure! Why are they even bothering!" because it didn't sell anywhere near to PlayStation.

In the Console wars, it's #1 or nothing.

Ryuu96 said:
Chazore said:

What I really do not get, is why some people are strictly comparing any handheld device to the Switch and claiming some made up rules that "it has to be compared this way or the device isn't a device and it'll fail". No, what matters is what the device can offer, what level and degree of functionality it can provide that matters. No one buys a ROG Ally, fully expecting Nintendo-level 1st party games, because that logic is dumb and fanboyish of an expectation. 

The reason I want to buy a Steam Deck is because I know I'll be able to use it on the go, use it as a mini desktop, as well as gain access to the games I already own on Steam, thus saving me money in the long-run. 

This one annoys me, and I think it just links into the console wars nonsense that you spoke about, if something isn't #1 it's a failure, if it hasn't sold 50m+ it's a failure, a lot of people can't seem to grasp that something can be a success without selling tens of millions or being #1. Fact is, if something is profitable for a company, it is not a failure, it does not need to be #1 to sell tens upon tens of millions.

I see it with the SteamDeck, ah it's sold below 10m so it's a failure, uh, no, it is likely profitable for Valve and it's an extension of their ecosystem, it is not a failure to Valve because it didn't sell anywhere close to Nintendo Switch. Silly. I do believe future Xbox devices will be more niche as well, cater to a more hardcore audience, but profitable for Microsoft, but I can't wait for the years of "Lol! Failure! Why are they even bothering!" because it didn't sell anywhere near to PlayStation.

In the Console wars, it's #1 or nothing.

You already see that in the comments section in articles here on VGChartz the future you're anticipating is already here!

Wish we could go back to the time where we were completely unaware that the PS2 was spanking the shit out of all competitors, yet all other competitors player bases were having great times by themselves. Completely oblivious to anything else happening lol. Everyone just knew they were playing great games.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:
Chazore said:

What I really do not get, is why some people are strictly comparing any handheld device to the Switch and claiming some made up rules that "it has to be compared this way or the device isn't a device and it'll fail". No, what matters is what the device can offer, what level and degree of functionality it can provide that matters. No one buys a ROG Ally, fully expecting Nintendo-level 1st party games, because that logic is dumb and fanboyish of an expectation. 

The reason I want to buy a Steam Deck is because I know I'll be able to use it on the go, use it as a mini desktop, as well as gain access to the games I already own on Steam, thus saving me money in the long-run. 

In the Console wars, it's #1 or nothing.

That encapsulates it pretty well... :D

And I agree with Chazore too, at this point people needs to realize that this so called Console War is over. But at the same time, look at those tools from IGN, going with their click bait articles and videos, dosing fuel on the console war day after day... Who can blame them after that...

Imaginedvl said:
Ryuu96 said:

In the Console wars, it's #1 or nothing.

That encapsulates it pretty well... :D

And I agree with Chazore too, at this point people needs to realize that this so called Console War is over. But at the same time, look at those tools from IGN, going with their click bait articles and videos, dosing fuel on the console war day after day... Who can blame them after that...

I'm convinced that clickbait articles/videos are the only things keeping the major gaming news outlets around lol. So many are so on-the-nose that you immediately think it's intentional.

And this philosophy has stretched into social media with so many stan accounts that are so knee deep for a specific platform that it honestly wouldn't surprise me if majority of them are paid accounts.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

#1 Mobile

#2 PC 

#3 Nintendo

#just ahead of last place Playstation

#last place Xbox avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.