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I don’t really know what to think about all these changes. On one hand, I feel a genuine desire to wipe the slate clean after the mixed reception of Halo 5 and the complicated release of Halo Infinite. I found the Slipspace Engine impressive and I think Halo Infinite is perfect in terms of artistic direction. I hope they don’t do another 180 on this point. I’m afraid the franchise will really start from scratch with a complete reboot and that it will no longer be the flagship of Xbox. For me, there’s no Xbox without Halo and vice versa.

I see people really excited about all this, wich is, infortunately, not my emotion right now. Maybe I'm too pessimist with all the bad news the brand face in 2024, and I truly hope I'm wrong.

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They changed the wrapper and the name but still, the same people in charge managed by the same overhead. Do you really think anything will change esp how bad MS has been about everything the last 10 years? You get a shinier mediocre product.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:

They changed the wrapper and the name but still, the same people in charge managed by the same overhead. Do you really think anything will change esp how bad MS has been about everything the last 10 years? You get a shinier mediocre product.

The people in charge of the license between Halo 4 and Halo Infinite are no longer at the studio.

Pierre Hintze was put in charge of the studio after Halo Infinite had already been in place for a "long time".

I think we can give him the benefit of the doubt, but he has a big and complicated job ahead if he ever wants to bring the license back to the power it had in the Xbox 360 era.