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BasilZero said:
VersusEvil said:

T-minus 21 days until the only RPG outta Japan worth caring for releases.

But Final Fantasy VII Rebirth came out yesterday



Hey look, it's all the gameplay FFVersusXIII was supposed to have; in a massive, immersive and interactive open world with physics and complex AI. And this is just one of 9 playable vocations so far.

Amazing what you can do when you're not renaming your games, trying to turn them into musicals, or remaking a 30yr old game as a 10-15yr trilogy project.

Less than two years between Dragon's Dogma II being announced and released, only a year after the first reveal trailer. That's some service if you ask me.

Around the Network

Sorcerer vocation looks to be the way to go for me

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

And yes ofcourse it is another W for Sony.

@konnichiwa You should move to PlayStation. 😊

Around the Network

I'll be real for a moment though, it is a bit of an L if you ignore all context.

xCloud is firstly available in more areas than Sony's Cloud service, they almost certainly have more customers and therefore more costs and more strain on the service, we know xCloud doesn't turn a profit, alongside that you can also blame regulators for crippling xCloud. Sony or Nvidia didn't have regulators on their ass for almost 2 years and therefore had to halt all investment into the service, not only halt but make it worse, Lol.

All cause regulators were going to block an acquisition over an unproven tiny market.

Nevertheless, they should improve the performance and whatnot, add the features they promised years ago (which were obviously put on hold due to regulators) and these things are now coming, the service will once again improve now that regulators are out of the way. There's a double digit % of Xbox playtime via xCloud so clearly it's not so terrible that nobody is using it, that number is quite frankly shocking.

But alongside all of that, xCloud is targeting a different market than Sony or Nvidia, xCloud is largely targeted towards mobile devices, thus there likely isn't a large desire inside of Microsoft to have the absolute best looking, best performance service because there's no need and at the end of the day, Nvidia will always beat Microsoft and Sony at that game.

Microsoft don't need to be the best of the best, it just needs to be great enough and have compelling features which are coming.

Want to blame someone, blame regulators, Lol. Improvements will come this year.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 01 March 2024

Decided to go back to Age of Empires 1 DE to see why it's always ignored by World's Edge, and goodness gracious......I can definitely see why World's Edge doesn't give a shit about this game. Graphically, it honestly looks better than AoE 2 DE, but the path finding is absolutely ATROCIOUS!!! Want your unit to go to the other side of a tree right in front of them? They'll just do a complete horseshoe around the entire map instead and will most likely get stuck somewhere that you can't get them out of AoE 1 DE was made on top of the original games engine from 1997, and with that, came ALL the issues the original game had. AoE 2 was so popular, even to this day, because of the massive improvements in every possible aspect compared to the first game.

So rather than fundamentally fixing decades old problems, I can see why it made more sense for World's Edge to "port" AoE 1 to AoE 2's engine via the Return of Rome expansion. It's still a standalone experience within AoE 2 DE where all 17 of the original games civs are playable on their own. You just can't play the first game's story campaigns. Probably will end up coming via another expansion lol.

Still, it means that AoE 1 DE will kind of there lol.

Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 01 March 2024

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

"xCloud, for all the regular people" avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Hall of Fame - Top #25 Posters - Updated March 1st, 2024.

PositionUsernamePost CountChange
07NobleTeam360525#09 to #07
09Ice514#07 to #09
10Konnichiwa465#12 to #10
11EpicRandy451#10 to #11
12Angelus408#11 to #12
15Trunkswd284#16 to #15
16Coolbeans278#15 to #16
18Zippy6212#22 to #18
21DerpySquirtle64194#18 to #21
22aTokenYeti189#21 to #22
23PixelPirate183#25 to #23
24Jason1637164#23 to #24
25KiigelHeart155#24 to #25

Hall of Fame - Top Posters in March.
