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Bungie fucking sucks.

Patrick is married to a former Bungie employee.

Used to love Bungie so much, even not being a fan of Destiny, I still held respect for them, being acquired by Sony, knowing they would have financial stability, I was still happy for them, as an iconic studio in the industry, but Bungie's leadership team is absolute garbage and destroyed any respect I had left for them.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 31 October 2023

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Congrats to Stoic and Iron Galaxy Studios, two of our partner studios, for winning this year's GamesIndustry.Biz Best Places to Work Awards!

Xbox Game Studios Publishing on LinkedIn: Revealed: The 2023 Best Places To Work Awards US winners

Pure class from Michael. Industry, hire this man.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:

Also, Happy Halloween!

Not enough spooky avatars.

I got u fam

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Apparently, Xbox Brasil is now demanding that journalists and content creators return their Xbox Series S (ones loaned to them for an "indefinite" period), it has been confirmed by multiple journalists that Xbox Brasil is demanding their consoles back with no reason given as to why but the reason is pretty obvious, it's because they criticised the price hike.

The worst part is that this doesn't even crack the top 5 of shitty things that Xbox Brasil has done over the years. For the love of God, Xbox Brasil (aka Xbox Mexico because that's who run them) entire upper management need to be fired because it is horrifically run. Phil and Sarah are going to an Xbox event in Brasil in November too and Brazilians are planning on mass booing them.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 31 October 2023

Ryuu96 said:
zero129 said:

Sorry Ryu but on this i dont stand with you. For me it feels like your trying to make this look like not as bad or some kind of good thing or just making excuses when the is nothing good about it.

This is a shitty move on MS no other company as far as i know is doing this so why should MS in the middle of the gen>,

Ms is doing plenty of shitty moves lately from the price of the Series S in brasil to this no excuse and im drunk and still cant think of a good excuse for why they would be doing what they doing lately. If this how Ms going to be think im going to be leaving this thread to be honest guys and just going back to the Pc thread...

You can start by not replying to me when you're drunk.

Ok im not drunk now. Or at least not yet. So instead of giving me that reply can you explain it better now?.

Like i said i do not see any good reason for some of what Ms is doing lately. If you can please explain it to me.

zero129 said:
Ryuu96 said:

You can start by not replying to me when you're drunk.

Ok im not drunk now. Or at least not yet. So instead of giving me that reply can you explain it better now?.

Like i said i do not see any good reason for some of what Ms is doing lately. If you can please explain it to me.

Thing is, I explained multiple times and in great detail my thoughts on the matter, other users also agreed with me and yet you single out my post and accuse me of "making excuses" for Microsoft instead of me actually believing what I'm writing, it annoyed me and I'm sick to death of you using the "I was drunk" excuse every single time.

I'll explain it one more time and then I'm done with this conversation.

  • I don't think the current implementation is good, at all. I don't believe they've given third party manufacturers enough time. I don't believe they've "officially approved" enough 3rd party manufacturers. It's too soon, too quickly and not enough communication was given or easier procedures implemented to quickly get "officially approved"
  • I do believe the move would be a good one if implemented sensibly, if they announce a ban way ahead of time (a year), if they make the process to be "officially approved" a very low or not at all cost, a quick/easy one and if they mass approve a ton of controllers/fight sticks before the ban (aim for 80%+ of the market). I believe if it was done smartly then the pros would outweigh the cons of hopefully dealing with the RAMPANT cheating in shooters such as Call of Duty.

This announcement had two sides opposing, the fighting community were upset but the COD community were overjoyed because they are excited about the possibility of something FINALLY being done about the huge cheating problem in Call of Duty. But I'm the one called out for listening to both sides of the argument, Lol. This ain't like the Brazil decision at all which is shit all round, there are actual arguments to be made as to why this move, if smartly planned out, would be a good one, it was not smartly planned out though, as I said even before this post.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 31 October 2023