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Your most anticipated upcoming Xbox RPG in 2025?

The Outer Worlds 2 2 12.50%
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion remaster/remake 5 31.25%
Fable 6 37.50%
Avowed 3 18.75%

FTC learning that companies explore all scenarios before making a decision.

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Ryuu96 said:

So since it lapsed in Canada, Microsoft can close at any point they want and Canada can only demand they divest Activision after the closure?

Is that right? Why would Canada not just issue a block to the deal now?

I have limited info but after a quick chat with chatGTP and gathering some confirmation online it appears like the Canadian Competition Bureau is not toothless even after the time expires but it becomes much more difficult to act in prevention. To sums up my findings it appears like the Competition Bureau has similar power to the like of UK CMA before the time limits, however, once the time limit has expired they are much more like the FTC where the burden to prove anti-competitive effects is on them.

Spending so much time on trying to prove Microsoft will pull COD from PlayStation...

Genuinely starting to wonder if FTC is trying to drone on the same point going nowhere until the date of Microsoft's merger agreement ending

Someone joked about it in ResetEra, FTC is trying to filibuster

FTC's lawyer just leaked something confidential, Lol.

Stopped himself right at the end but it was already too late!

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 29 June 2023

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FTC ends their questioning with "I'm very sorry about that mistake"

Not heard this Microsoft lawyer before, sounds young.

Imaginedvl said:
Ryuu96 said:

Totally protecting competition/consumers and not protecting their regulatory buddies, Lol.

The behaviour of some of these regulators is so damn disappointing and transparent. They're just desperate for a win against "big tech" and then if they get that, they'll instantly go back to approving actually consumer/competition damaging acquisitions, in Canada's case, they're doing that at the same time, Lmao.

Pretend like they achieved something and pat themselves on the back.

Canada still let it lapse though so Microsoft can still technically close in Canada whenever they want, I think they're just cowardly hoping that FTC succeeds so they don't have to do anything. Interesting question would be what Australia and New Zealand do if FTC fails, will they block to add extra pressure for CMA to finish the job or will they wait because they're both countries where Microsoft could easily ignore.

 I'm French but I'm living in Canada for more than 20 years now. And the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission) and the "FTC" Bureau (don't recall the name) are JOKES here.

They are actually protecting the big telecommunication companies every time they have the opportunity to do so (and not only for phones but also for the media company like TV providers etc) making EVERYTHING so more costly than anywhere else. The impact on consumers is so bad. I never understood why the hell they exited in the first place as their job is clearly to protect the big fat companies instead of the actual consumers...

And don't even get me started on Québec specific shit, cause on top of the federal jokes, Québec adds up even more things like that (but at least I have to say that this is not to protect the companies in that case, just plain dumb laws).

And the companies know that and they are using it (not blaming them)

I'm from Québec so I can attest to some dumb shit Québec has done, like financing $100s of million to extend high speeds internet to rural areas but letting telecoms companies use the enforced expansion to raise fees on all customers. I mean to have your cake and eat it too. -______-

xCloud not profitable.