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Phil testifying under oath that CoD will be made available on PS to the Judge, Gaddamn, Lol.

Yeah, the judge specifically asking him to do it really feels like the judge isn't buying FTC's shit and has just killed the console argument but we'll see.

Sounds like Xbox just got a BIG win with that, the FTC spent like 2 hours trying to push their console theory of harm and the judge may have killed it in 10 minutes.

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Phil in a suit and tie is weird, Lol.

Ryuu96 said:

The FTC might have spread themselves so thin that I wonder if they'll even have much of an argument on cloud

Phil confirmed they were in negotiations with Zynga but thought they needed to go bigger so eventually turned Zynga down.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 June 2023