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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Badass Sabaton song showing combat footage and many determine ukranians. I saw this and instantly knew that Ukraine will never give up.

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The U.S. has said for months that lifting the restrictions won’t make a strategic difference in the war as Russia has moved its most important targets, including aircraft, back from the border and out of reach.


This is bullshit, if it is true then it's only true because you took too long to lift the restrictions and if it is true then there's no harm in lifting the restriction. How about trusting Ukraine knows what is best for the war it is fighting?

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, August 24, 2024 | Institute for the Study of War

"Whenever someone speaks... about a diplomatic solution, I always support it. We all want none of our soldiers, none of our people to be killed tomorrow. We want this. But you can't negotiate with a maniac [like]: 'Listen, sit down. Yes, we understand that you have already killed 30 people, in particular. But let's talk. Don't do it again'? It doesn't work like that. It doesn't work with this man [Vladimir Putin]," Zelensky said.

We stand for diplomacy, but not at the cost of 30 percent of territory - Zelensky (

China called on Tuesday for more countries to endorse its peace plan for Ukraine, after a round of diplomacy with Indonesia, Brazil and South Africa to support its plan.

Envoy Li Hui called the three countries representative of the Global South and "important forces in promoting world peace" who share similar positions with China. "They have maintained communication with both Russia and Ukraine and stay committed to a political settlement to the crisis through dialogue and negotiation," said Li, China's special envoy for Eurasian affairs.

China calls for more support for its Ukraine peace plan created with Brazil - The Washington Post

Go fuck yourself China, Indonesia, Brazil and South Africa.

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Ukraine’s F16s score their first aerial kills (missles), EW and chaff countermeasure against incoming missles, and situational air dominance

Last edited by shavenferret - on 27 August 2024