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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

"More F-35s means more F-16s for Ukraine"

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BFR said:
Ryuu96 said:

Sorry for the swearing and the angry rant, Lol.

I love Americans support, Ukraine will lose without America, America has been vital to Ukraine, America has done a lot for Ukraine.

But America is also actively hurting Ukraine and justifying it with utter horseshit.

Can't wait to see Jake Sullivan shown the door.

LOL! What prompted your change of heart? I'm just curious. You were on an epic roll there in that last, lengthy post. :)

I agree that the USA has been a double-face in this war.

No change of heart but we have Americans in here and I just want to let it be known that I'm not saying America does nothing, I guess I'm being overly cautious so that I don't upset any Americans, Lol. The American support has enabled Ukraine to survive but it's a double edged sword of "escalation management" which is hurting Ukraine and getting more people killed than necessary, that is extending this war for no real reason, I think when we look back at this war, America's support will be one of the most critical things but at the same time, America's escalation management will be seen as a massive strategic blunder and people won't look back kindly on the likes of Jake Sullivan and Biden's handling of this.

Agreed. Goodnight Ryu. :) Slava Ukraine.

Quite frankly, I'm more angry about those "officials" who want to reset relations with Russia using that as a reason why we shouldn't be too mean to Russia, that disgusts me even more than the escalation managers because escalation managers are just cowards who think Russia is going to nuke the world, the ones who are desperate to reset relations with Putin though? Those people need to be checked if they're on Russia's payroll. How soulless do you have to be, to in the middle of a war complain about not being too mean to modern day Hitler because you want to be friends with him again in the future? How dense do you have to be to think that's possible? When was Russia ever friends with America or Europe? We simply stuck our heads in the sand and looked the other way, Russia has always hated the West and will continue to hate the West in the distant future. Want to make trade deals with Putin over the dead bodies of children? The dead Ukrainians that fought for us? Then you're scum in my eyes.

Biden ought to check his "officials" more closely cause JFC.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2024

UK can't get away with hiding behind "America told us no" as well, Lol.

UK should just let Ukraine use Storm Shadow and tell America to suck it up and if they have a problem with it then take it out on us, one of America's most important allies, then we can tell America in a gentle but low-key threatening way to see what will happen to America's integrity and relationships with all their allies if they cut off aid to Ukraine in response to UK allowing Storm Shadows on Russia.

And when Russia does nothing in response to UK's Storm Shadows, America can see that they've no need to throw their toys out the pram. There I believe is absolutely zero chance that America would cut off aid to Ukraine at this stage over a dispute over "you can shoot this far into Russia but not this far into Russia" there's just no way, they would become despised overnight by half their European allies, their Asian allies would see how unreliable they are and lets say if it's Biden in power, Republicans would flip the script overnight and say that Biden is abandoning Ukraine after "wasting" billions on them.

There's just no way for America to justify at this stage, abandoning Ukraine, over such a disagreement like this. And that's why UK should grow some balls and say "it's our missiles, it's our decision" and stop hiding behind America. Yeah we're America's close ally and friend but we're also European and it's our moral responsibility to be a protector of Europe as well and do what is best for Europe because that is what is best for us too.

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The only way I'd accept normal relations with Russia again is if they grovel at our feet afterwards, they express genuine remorse and apologise deeply for their actions, they actively help in rebuilding Ukraine and paying reparations, they go through serious political reform to allow a dictator like Putin to never take hold again and Putin, Gerasimov, Shoigu, Medvedev, etc. Are all either in prison or dead.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2024

Long-Range Missile: Neptune Used on Russia.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2024

Ryuu96 said:

The only way I'd accept normal relations with Russia again is if they grovel at our feet afterwards, they express genuine remorse and apologise deeply for their actions, they actively help in rebuilding Ukraine and paying reparations, they go through serious political reform to allow a dictator like Putin to never take hold again and Putin, Gerasimov, Shoigu, Medvedev, etc. Are all either in prison or dead.

If Russia was wise, they would distance themselves from Putin and start reforms to make themselves less of a Spartan society and more like Athens. Also the guy that Putin wants as his successor may not make it, he's a career bodyguard, don't think that will translate well into politics. 

Ryuu96 said:

Long-Range Missile: Neptune Used on Russia.

Let's hope that production increases and the missles keep flying