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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ryuu96 said:

Can we give Ukraine the technology and license to produce Storm Shadow for themselves then they can rename it something else, like "Neptune's Shadow" and say it's totally not Storm Shadow and therefore Ukraine can do whatever they fuck they want with it, Lol.

We're upgrading to SPEAR 5 anyway.

That could work on getting around the restrictions.  The problem is that they would need machines to produce the shell, and have to import all of the chips and other subcomponents.  I'm glad that they are starting to make their own missles, but they aren't as easy to make as shells or bullets

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shavenferret said:
Ryuu96 said:

Can we give Ukraine the technology and license to produce Storm Shadow for themselves then they can rename it something else, like "Neptune's Shadow" and say it's totally not Storm Shadow and therefore Ukraine can do whatever they fuck they want with it, Lol.

We're upgrading to SPEAR 5 anyway.

That could work on getting around the restrictions.  The problem is that they would need machines to produce the shell, and have to import all of the chips and other subcomponents.  I'm glad that they are starting to make their own missles, but they aren't as easy to make as shells or bullets

I wonder if we'll see in the future a joint missile program between Ukraine and other countries, like Storm Shadow is a collab between UK and France, SPEAR 5 is a collab between UK, France and Italy. Feels smart to do one with Ukraine given all their actual real-battlefield experience, maybe an evolution to Neptune.

With the Protelarsk fuel depot in the Rostov region still burning out of control 4 days after a Ukrainian drone attack, Russia has brought in two fire-fighting trains, three Il-76 firefighting aircraft, 600 firefighters, and two priests to pray the flames out if all else fails.
Huge Russian Black Sea Cargo Ship Sinks after Ukraine Missile Strike...... and Fvck you Russia


1. Really hope if Harris wins she fires every single person in Biden's foreign policy team who believes in this shit.

2. White House officials hiding behind "we've done more than any other country" to make themselves immune to any sort of criticism is a fucking joke. Just because you've sent the most in $ value does not mean you cannot and should not do more, it does not make you immune to criticism on stupid policy. You used the same excuses with tanks, it was the UK who broke the tank taboo and proved the "escalation" risk was bullshit, it was the UK who broke the long-range missile taboo and proved the "escalation" risk was bullshit.

To date, America has yet to send a single F-16, America is not even in the top #10 in aid send as a % of GDP and America consistently enforces stupid policies on Ukraine, not only on Ukraine, but they tell other countries what they can and can't do with their own damn weapons sent to Ukraine too, policies which actively hurt Ukraine, policies which America does not enforce on Israel, policies which America would never enforce on themselves.

Nobody says "America hasn't done anything for Ukraine" heck nobody discounts that America has done a lot for Ukraine and without America, Ukraine would have lost, but that does not mean everything was done perfectly, that does not mean that America can do no wrong, that does not mean America can not do better for Ukraine.

3. America is not risking its own national security for Kyiv in lifting the long-range weapon restrictions, don't be an idiot now, Russia has consistently shown that every single red-line it had tried to scare us into believing were all bullshit, it was apparently a risk to aid Ukraine at all (bullshit), it was a risk to send Ukraine ATGMS (bullshit), it was a risk to send Ukraine tanks (bullshit), it was a risk to send Ukraine long range missiles (bullshit), it was a risk to send Ukraine jets (bullshit) and now Ukraine is currently invading Russia with western equipment and Putin's response? "This is the new normal"

China has far better capability at posing a threat to America than Russia does, so why hasn't America yet said "okay Taiwan, you're on your own, bye" and why does America publicly state they would defend Taiwan? Is it all talk? Will you abandon Taiwan the first chance you get? Or is this different because Taiwan is better for America's bottom line $ than Ukraine is? Does defending allies only go as far as how much $ is in it?

You know who is risking their own national security? Fucking Europe because we actually border Russia, the eastern European countries that have practically unloaded everything to send to Ukraine, the eastern European countries that have stated Ukraine should be allowed to use long-range missiles on Russia, the eastern European countries that would be the first line of defence against Russia are showing more balls than America.

4. America wants to eventually reset relations with Moscow? Ah so what we all suspected, America does not want Russia to lose, they want to go back to doing business with Russia. Fucking Disgusting. You want us to go back to what? When did we have normal relationships with Russia? When Russia was bot farming our politics? When Russia was trying to divide Europe? When Russia was interfering in American elections? When Russia was dropping nerve agents on UK soil? When Russia was assassinating people in European countries? When Russia was sabotaging military facilities? When Russia was invading Chechnya? When Russia was invading Georgia? When Russia was invading Crimea? When Russia took over part of Moldova? When Russia's Wagner attacked American troops in Syria? When Russia helped Assad mass kill innocents in Syria? When was the fucking normal?! It never fucking existed, we had our heads in the sand and ignored all the disgusting shit that Russia did. You want to reset relations with a man is responsible for the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocents?! Who's soldiers mass raped Ukrainians and killed fucking children!

You fucking nuked Japan twice and now Japan is one of America's strongest allies, not that America should nuke Russia of course but this idiotic stance should not get in the way of winning a war. Let me tell you though, as a European, there will never be "normal" relations with Russia as long as Putin lives and don't be a fucking dumbass and expect Putin's death will be the end of it; Shoigu, Gerasimov, Kadyrov, Medvedev, etc. They're all as rotten as each other, every single high ranking Russian politician and military officer shares the same amount of blame.

You only managed to reset relations with Germany and Japan by utterly annihilating them in war and then occupying their territories for years afterwards, a thing that can not happen to Russia, did you reset relations with Afghanistan? Did you reset relations with Syria? Did you reset relations with North Korea? No, No and No. There is no resetting relations with Russia unless they either suffer a complete defeat and go through seriously structural and political change but that isn't going to happen, it won't happen if Russia simply loses either, they will simply blame NATO even harder, it won't happen if Russia wins any land.

You go reset relations American officials, while Europe suffers all the fucking consequences.

5. I'll say again, Harris better fire every single foreign policy official in Biden's admin, fuck them all.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2024

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Sorry for the swearing and the angry rant, Lol.

I love Americans support, Ukraine will lose without America, America has been vital to Ukraine, America has done a lot for Ukraine.

But America is also actively hurting Ukraine and justifying it with utter horseshit.

Can't wait to see Jake Sullivan shown the door.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2024

1945 America: Hey everyone, I get that you're angry but lets not invade Germany and lets not use anything too strong on them because we in America want to eventually reset our relationship with Germany and so we don't want to upset poor little Hitler too much...Maybe we'll become friends with him again one day! Hey don't talk bad about us! We sent you guys equipment while you fought off Germany for years!

America's Response to Japan in WW2: Well...Japan attacked us but we're going to get into a long-drawn out conflict with Japan for years where we put a million different restrictions on ourselves so that we don't upset Japan too much because we want to reset our relationship with Japan one day...LOL. Just kidding! Lets nuke the bastards, twice.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2024

Ryuu96 said:

1945 America: Hey everyone, I get that you're angry but lets not invade Germany and lets not use anything too strong on them because we in America want to eventually reset our relationship with Germany and so we don't want to upset poor little Hitler too much...Maybe we'll become friends with him again one day! Hey don't talk bad about us! We sent you guys equipment while you fought off Germany for years!

America's Response to Japan in WW2: Well...Japan attacked us but we're going to get into a long-drawn out conflict with Japan for years where we put a million different restrictions on ourselves so that we don't upset Japan too much because we want to reset our relationship with Japan one day...LOL. Just kidding! Lets nuke the bastards, twice.

I'm glad that we knocked japan out so that they wouldnt have been invaded by us or especially the ussr. That would have killed so many, and it would have been devastating. The Japanese only mention the tragedy of the bombs and seemingly ignore their massive war crimes as well as tenacity. They wouldn't give up, ever see pictures of women and girls training with bamboo spears in case of invasion? Horrible moment in time... 

Last edited by shavenferret - on 23 August 2024

My favorite military blog has a article about the likelihood of Ukraine winning, and they are all but saying Ukraine will surely win

Ryuu96 said:

Sorry for the swearing and the angry rant, Lol.

I love Americans support, Ukraine will lose without America, America has been vital to Ukraine, America has done a lot for Ukraine.

But America is also actively hurting Ukraine and justifying it with utter horseshit.

Can't wait to see Jake Sullivan shown the door.

LOL! What prompted your change of heart? I'm just curious. You were on an epic roll there in that last, lengthy post. :)

I agree that the USA has been a double-face in this war.