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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Jumpin said:

Does anyone have any well written articles about the China-Russia situation?
From what I've been hearing, China in the past few months, especially in the past two weeks, have been distancing themselves and cutting economic ties to Russia while improving their relations with the west, such as cutting off ties between Chinese suppliers and organized crime.
This is linked to the improving economic situations in the West this year versus the worsening economic situation in Russia and China.

That's the gist of what I've been hearing, but I can't find any good sources that draws it all together. Just a lot of wordy-articles that report these things in isolation.

The WSJ does a lot of that big picture journalism, but i don't have a subscription.  Another good bet might be The Guardian.  

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Russia is having to bring back that WW2 era practice of using blocking units. The story i'm referencing says that the Russians just decided to move forward and surrender

Sweden is considering sending advisors to Ukraine. Hmmm....... While any help is welcome, i'd imagine that they will also be learning much.

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The bridge over the Seym river in the kursk area has been taken out by a missle, and now a battalion of russkies have been encircled. It could be 700 sloppy bastards that dont want to fight for putin.

Ryu, what do think of the Ukrainian invasion of Kursk?

I think it is a brilliant move on their part. Imagine if Hamas/Hezbollah were to try to take a chunk of Israel. It would not last for long. But, Israel is such a small country and its border is much easier to defend than the border of the biggest country in the world. That is Russia's achilles heel IMO.

Also, because its border is so big, it has no choice but to deploy lightly trained conscripts to defend it, thus resulting in early surrenders.

I hope this Kursk invasion is a diversion to something much bigger to come before the end of the year. LMAO! Slava Ukraine !

Goodbye Gerasimov, hope you don't fall out a window.  If your smart, defect before they kill you.

Pentagon explains why they don't want Ukraine to strike deeply into Russia. TLDR: It's because Russia is like your crazy cousin that always gets arrested and you don't know what he'll do next.

While I disagree to a point, I think that it may be more than this.  Perhaps they are wanting to bleed Russia slowly so that more in total is lost in terms of men/tanks/arty.  This conflict is could certainly be viewed as a proxy war between the US and Nato on one side and the Russkies on the other.  If so, a slow stalemate leading to victory may be the best way to weaken Russia and its ability to project power for the next decade.

Last edited by shavenferret - on 17 August 2024

In related news, residents of Khalingrad are wanting to break away from moscow, and establish a new Baltic state.