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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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Need more of this, make it harder for Trump to backstab Ukraine without pissing off America's MiC.

A year ago, we began working on a new and strong architecture of security agreements. At that time, the G7 declaration in support of Ukraine was signed, and over the past year, 32 countries have joined this declaration. Each agreement makes us stronger and will remain in effect throughout our path to NATO.

Today, we will endorse the Ukraine Compact, making a significant success for Ukraine as it develops our security architecture. We will definitely implement every point - we have more than enough energy for this.

I am grateful to Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg for all these years of our cooperation. The Alliance has truly become stronger.

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Ryuu96 said:

Lmfao...Almost have no words left.

Russia might as well try their luck assassinating world leaders, not like NATO will do anything.

Shows how much Germany gives a fuck about Rheinmetall's CEO.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 11 July 2024

Hold on, why is Germany even speaking? They ain't even fucking sent Ukraine anything that could be fired deep into Russia anyway!

Lol...Good thing Zelenskyy is a comedian and played it off but JFC...10 years ago this would be a funny Biden gaffe that we'd laugh off, in the current climate it's a big yikes, every news article will rush to post it, Biden calling Zelenskyy "Putin" and in a climate where everything he says is now under a microscope, every single gaffe is seen as evidence of his decline and amplified x10 while we ignore all the insane shit Trump says.

I'm already mentally preparing that Trump will win, I won't give up all hope but I think it might be time to make a drastic hail mary, this old stuff is never leaving Biden now and every single gaffe will be exploded and it's difficult to fight off now, I think he should maintain the presidency until November and say his doctors have advised him his body wouldn't cope with another 4 years, I think he should endorse Harris for the nomination and then Democrats should shut the fuck up and all get behind her then Harris can rip Trump apart in a way that Biden is unable to because of his age.

Democrats need to absolutely avoid an open convention, it would be a disaster, honestly though, I think everyone has handled this fucking awful, from Biden's campaign team to the media, to Democrat officials. Biden's campaign team have been awful at easing peoples concerns, the media have spent the past few years blowing everything up tenfold instead of focusing on Trump's crazy shit and I don't think Dem officials should have been publicly coming out against Biden (privately is fine) but publicly made the Democrats once again look like they in disarray which is a problem the Republicans never have and now it's going to look like the Dems have forced Biden out which will damage whoever takes over because there will still be genuine Biden fans who want him to stay in the race and are now angry he was forced out, the excuse used should have been doctors advice.

Army private, husband ‘spied for Russia’

Australia’s spy agency ASIO and the AFP have announced two Australians with Russian passports have been charged with espionage related offences that involve allegations of stealing defence secrets to share with Russia.

Speaking at a press conference in Canberra, AFP commissioner Reece Kershaw said the case involved two people who had been in Australia for more than 10 years.

The woman had obtained Australian citizenship in 2016 and her husband obtained Australian citizenship in 2020.

She has been employed in the Australian army, in the Australian Defence Force for several years as an information systems technician.

“Police will the woman’s husband would access requested material and would send to his wife in Russia,’’ the AFP commissioner said

“We allege they sought that information with the intention of providing it to Russian authorities. Whether that information was handed over remains a key focus of our investigation.




Ryuu96 said:

Hoping for a missle attack and multiple officers deleted