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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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drkohler said:
shavenferret said:

Russian oil prices are currently $83.48, and just last week they were around $81.50 so ukraine's campaign has been working very well lately

I don't think you quite understand what that means.....

Higher oil prices means the producer gets more money. Russia is the producer. (Granted Russia supposed to be banned from the openmarket but we all know what that shadow fleet of rusty tankers is doing in the open seas..).

ok, I get that.  The producer, as you are saying will get more money but the buyer/customer will spend more.  Which of these, the buy or producer do we care more about in this discussion?

Also, the producer won't be getting more profit  since Ukraine is hurting the refineries, storage depots, and distribution of the oil. The higher price is needed because of these efforts.  Gazprom or whatever just posted some horrible financial statements.  Man, i'm from Texas, and i know all about oil you can't win this i'm afraid. 

Last edited by shavenferret - 2 days ago

Russia has actually had some success lately with its missle attacks on the Ukrainian airfields. Several planes have been lost or damaged. Ukraine may delay the arrival of the planes since they can't protect them now.

shavenferret said:
drkohler said:

I don't think you quite understand what that means.....

Higher oil prices means the producer gets more money. Russia is the producer. (Granted Russia supposed to be banned from the openmarket but we all know what that shadow fleet of rusty tankers is doing in the open seas..).

ok, I get that.  The producer, as you are saying will get more money but the buyer/customer will spend more.  Which of these, the buy or producer do we care more about in this discussion?

Also, the producer won't be getting more profit  since Ukraine is hurting the refineries, storage depots, and distribution of the oil. The higher price is needed because of these efforts.  Gazprom or whatever just posted some horrible financial statements.  Man, i'm from Texas, and i know all about oil you can't win this i'm afraid. 

Yes, the higher the price of oil goes, the more the producer gets....But, the more likely the buyer seeks an alternate producer who has cheaper oil.

BFR said:
shavenferret said:

ok, I get that.  The producer, as you are saying will get more money but the buyer/customer will spend more.  Which of these, the buy or producer do we care more about in this discussion?

Also, the producer won't be getting more profit  since Ukraine is hurting the refineries, storage depots, and distribution of the oil. The higher price is needed because of these efforts.  Gazprom or whatever just posted some horrible financial statements.  Man, i'm from Texas, and i know all about oil you can't win this i'm afraid. 

Yes, the higher the price of oil goes, the more the producer gets....But, the more likely the buyer seeks an alternate producer who has cheaper oil.

Ok, but either way, russia's oil sector isn't doing good. And the military which has to use a lot of gasoline, is going to spend more and more now that russian gas prices have gone up. Also, I'm sure you realize that the supply of oil and therefore gasoline is going down, and so that will hamper the Russian military. 

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I agree 100 % with you, the Russian economy is in the gutter.

PDF said:

I can't really talk much about it let alone I don't actually know very many details but with that awkwardly stated caveat.

I know the owner of a ballistic and blast mitigation company that had about $2million worth of inventory that was part of the funding package. He thinks they have have found a way to stop drones attacks or at least greatly reduce the severity of the attack. The first $2 million is just for testing but if successful could be a big deal.

I got to see what this company created. It's quite simplistic and cheap to set up, which is the point. It's designed to protect infrastructure like power plants from the drone attacks. They just had their first test and it went as planned. 


My Real Redneck friends

BFR said:

So basically, Putin wins and Ukraine has hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians for nothing, negotiate with Putin on how much Ukrainian territory Russia can keep? Not the country whose territory it is? Can this man even try to hide how much he deepthroats Putin? Reward Putin for slaughtering Ukrainians and let him rebuild his pathetic army to take the rest at a later date.

I've a feeling Russia will say no to this though because they still want Kyiv and up to Odesa.

Europe needs to tell America to fuck off if Trump gets into power, better yet, time to create that EU army, Europe better be planning for a future without America and only Ukraine decides what Ukraine wants to do. Are Americans really going to elect this fascist orange fuck? Are Americans really about to spit in the face of their allies? "Fuck human rights, this orange moron said he'll fix our economy after destroying it the first time around."

Anyone voting Trump is scum.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 1 day ago

BFR said:

So Trump plans to negotiate another Hoare-Laval pact (his second).

And it went so well the fist time when he did it with the Israel-Palestinian Conflict. Look how much peace that one achieved.