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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

drkohler said:
BFR said:

That looks like inappropriately stored tracker ammunition for the (really) old 7.6mm Swiss army rifle...

I wonder how much of that ammo is deteriorated to the degree that it is actually risky to use (like those North Korean grenades the Ukranians won't touch with a tent pole).

It's CGI, Lol. Just what the journalist slapped into his article. That ain't artillery ammo either

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Ukraine apparently uses a crowdfunded sattelite service for its war efforts, which is pretty cool. They don't have their own sattelites being a very poor country in terms of GDP and are also very small so they have to use a service. You would think that they could just tap into whatever NATO has but i suppose that it is not that simple. Anyway, here is an article on that:

Russian oil prices are edging higher, at $81.12 per barrel as I'm posting this. I've hoped for a while that we can see prices over $85 but I'll have to wait a bit on that and even though prives have been edging higherthey still wont be at my hope of $85 for a while. These oil strikes are devastating to the Russians though. Due to sanctions, they can't just bring in another unit and have it installed like that. Major repairs can take several months.
Here's the link if interested.

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Ukraine destroyed two Russian Pantsir anti-aircraft systems near Belograd, so that the F16s can work unmolested

This sounds like the biggest Russian pipe dream that I've ever heard of.... Russia is planning a super carrier to counter US naval might. After all of the rebuilding of their land forces that they will have to do, now they want to build a super-carrier? Really?

Last edited by shavenferret - 3 days ago

Is Israel finally going to do something for Ukraine?