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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

It seems like the number of Russian soldiers has increased and the number of tanks destroyed has decreased. Is Russia relying more on its zerg rush meat wave attacks?

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shavenferret said:

It seems like the number of Russian soldiers has increased and the number of tanks destroyed has decreased. Is Russia relying more on its zerg rush meat wave attacks?

With Ukraine having more supply and the geographic situation of current hot zone  it as become increasingly difficult for Russia to accumulate mechanised assets in preparation for assault close to the front line. So yeah they now rely heavily on artillery prep and costly on foot assault.

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BFR said:

That looks like inappropriately stored tracker ammunition for the (really) old 7.6mm Swiss army rifle...

I wonder how much of that ammo is deteriorated to the degree that it is actually risky to use (like those North Korean grenades the Ukranians won't touch with a tent pole).