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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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BFR said:

They need to pass something which is Trump proof, I don't know what that could be though, not sure how American laws work but Trump will find a way to stop supporting Ukraine, this 10-year commitment will be ripped apart if he takes office.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 June 2024

Ryuu96 said:
BFR said:

They need to pass something which is Trump proof, I don't know what that could be though, not sure how American laws work but Trump will find a way to stop supporting Ukraine, this 10-year commitment will be ripped apart if he takes office.

Yeah.... well the EU is trying to put out that 50 billion dollar or euro fund. I don't think that even Biden would be able to send a large amount of money at once, so aid might have to be in the form of military aid if there is anything at all. I also got worried about Biden when he was slurring and seemingly frozen for a minute at the white house Juneteenth celebration, did you see a video on that? Biden might habe had a ministroke, very worrying bc it could help Trump get back in control. 

Straight up Nazi-like video.

It's hilarious that there's idiots in the West trying to claim Russia doesn't want all of Ukraine while Russia straight up says "Yup, we want all of Ukraine" or "Why won't Ukraine negotiate with Russia for peace?" Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 June 2024

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Just with regards to the above, those 4 Kuril Islands (called the Northern territories by Japan) aren’t a new issue.
They’ve been occupied by Russia since the end of the Second World War, with Japan disputing that they were part of the post-WW2 settlement ever since.