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US aid helped slow down Russian offensive in Kharkiv Oblast – Pentagon

Pentagon spokesperson Patrick Ryder has stated that the US aid supply has made it possible to slow the advance of the Russians in Kharkiv Oblast.

Source: Ryder at a briefing on Monday, as reported by the Pentagon’s website

Details: Answering the question whether the arrival of US aid is having an impact on the situation at the front, Ryder noted: "I would say they are."

Quote: "And I think the fact that you've seen essentially the Russians really slow down in terms of the progress that they were making near Kharkiv demonstrates that, A, the Ukrainians can continue to hold the line and B, that that assistance is getting to them.

So again, we recognise there's a lot more to do in terms of getting much needed aid to them but we're going to keep after it."

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Russia is now using women prisoners for its meatgrinder attacks. This sounds incredibly desperate, as the women are going to cause more problems than they are worth. Not only are they prisoners, so they are going to get offered all kinds of alcoholic drinks and drugs, but everybody is going to want a piece so they'll get pregnant frequently. And when they get shot they'll scream much more than a man and scare everybody else. Ive read elsewhere that fewer prisoners are taking the recruiters up on their offers, so russia now has to do this. Anyway, here is the article for reference.

Last edited by shavenferret - on 12 June 2024

Eu to transfer $1.6 billion of Russia's frozen assets to Ukraine.

Another stupid ass country controlled by America wanting to get away from Russia because America told them so /s.

We might need to protect Armenia if they leave, Azerbaijan won't decrease their threatening behaviour.

Hilarious for the morons who cry about American nukes bordering Russia, not only would there be zero nukes at all (not just American nukes) bordering Russia from NATO involved countries, if Armenia left CSTO there would also be zero nuke holding NATO countries bordering CSTO countries. But it's all About NATO! Scary American nukes on Russia's border! Wah Wah *Ignores Russia, the actual nuke holding country, bordering multiple non-nuke holding countries* but only Russia is allowed nukes

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 June 2024

Actually, I have a brilliant idea, hear me out on this one.

Poor CSTO losing a member from its already pitiful squad, lets throw em a bone.

Swap Hungary for Armenia.