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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ryuu96 said:

Damn they going to seize the assets of Steven Seagal /s

Zero sympathy for anyone who has their assets seized still operating in Russia so go ahead and do it.

Stupid. Why would any NATO nations companies invest in Russia with this kind of uncertainty? 

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shavenferret said:
Ryuu96 said:

Damn they going to seize the assets of Steven Seagal /s

Zero sympathy for anyone who has their assets seized still operating in Russia so go ahead and do it.

Stupid. Why would any NATO nations companies invest in Russia with this kind of uncertainty? 

If its a new investment, they: exactly.

But most will be historical investment. After the initial waves of withdrawal from Russia following the start of the war, I think Russia passed a law allowing them to unilaterally seize the assets of any company that declares it will cease activities in Russia. That and those who did withdraw from Russia typically had to record major write-offs in their finances.

So ultimately it comes down to investor relations and not wanting to p off shareholders.

The pilots are now headed to Europe for additional training, according to a person with knowledge of their movements. Ukraine is slated to receive more than 60 F-16s from Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium.

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Ryuu96 said:

The pilots are now headed to Europe for additional training, according to a person with knowledge of their movements. Ukraine is slated to receive more than 60 F-16s from Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium.

The only questions I have are where the F-16s will be located and if Link-16 can be implemented. The F16s need better runways than what Ukraine has, and it would be an effective idea although not politically feasible if they were stationed in a neighboring country. Also, that Link-16 platform would be a big help. 

Haha, The S-400 AD system is a piece of shit. LOL !!!
