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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

drkohler said:

Fun fact: Since Wednesday, W. Selenski is technically a dictator as his time as president ran out on Tuesday...

There is no one technical definition of a dictator, because it's such a loaded word.  I don't know if an extension of one's term should count and i'm  voting towards "no" on that matter.  He still has the support of the people, which should count a lot more. 

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The more you see these restrictions, the more you think it's a economy boost for the US. Keep the war running for years so they can sell more weapons to other countries.



Ryu, this is for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

drkohler said:

Fun fact: Since Wednesday, W. Selenski (sic) is technically a dictator as his time as president ran out on Tuesday...

Not true. In times if war it is typical of countries to forego elections as it is not practical is logistical or security terms to hold an election.

This was true of Britain in WW2 and WW1. The US could still hold them as the war was fought well away from its borders, but Britain didn't hold another until 1944 when the Axis were on the verge of defeat.

That did nog mskd Winston Churchill a dictator and it doesn't make Zelensky one now.

Conversely, look at Putin and his staged election. He definitely is a dictator.

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BFR said:

Ryu, this is for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then it must be Jake Sullivan as we all predicted, I can't see Austin or Charles being in favour of it as they are military people.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 May 2024

An extremely brutal Russian attack on Kharkiv and Lyubotyn. According to preliminary data, Russia launched 15 missiles at once. Unfortunately, there are casualties. Emergency services have already arrived at the scene of the attacks, and all those injured will receive the necessary assistance.

Russian terrorists are taking advantage of Ukraine's lack of sufficient air defense protection and reliable capability to destroy terrorist launchers at their exact locations, which are close to our borders. And this weakness is not ours, but the world's, which has not dared to deal with terrorists in the way they deserve for three years.

Terror must lose everywhere, under any conditions, and on all continents. This is our shared responsibility—that of everyone in the world who has the ability to protect life from terror. Ukraine is doing everything it can. I am grateful to everyone who is helping us. But we need more determination, especially from world leaders.

Blinken seems like a good dude.

Jake is paralysed by fear.

Who does Biden respect more?

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 May 2024