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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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The only issue is that I can't see the non-nuclear countries sending troops in without France because France (and UK) are the only two countries in Europe with their own nuclear arsenal and so can get away with things others can't and I don't see France doing anything without Germany doing it with them and then I don't see Germany doing anything unless America does it first. It's good it is being openly discussed and I like what France is saying but if they want to help Ukraine in the immediate then they should also be massively ramping up their military production and deliveries to Ukraine.

Man, it's clear at this point though, after every single redline was broken and Russia was too scared to do anything about it, this war could have been prevented from the very start just by NATO stationing troops inside of Ukraine along the Russian border when Russia built their troops up along the Ukraine border, it's pretty obvious that when NATO actually stands up for itself, Russia is terrified to do anything, the sooner countries realise that the better and less lives lost, the only danger is showing weakness, Russia will be more likely to attack us if they think we won't fight back than if we stand up to them.

Cause Russia is at the end of the day nothing more than a weak bully.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 06 March 2024

Dumb Fucks in the West: Why is NATO so mean to Russia? Why does nobody like Russia?

*Russia To Its Own Allies When They Pause CSTO Activity*

Kremlin propagandist Margarita Simonyan has said Armenia's spat with Russia over a Moscow-led security bloc could see the South Caucasus country no longer exist within half-a-decade.

During a Q&A at the World Youth Festival in Sirius, in Russia's Krasnodar region, Simonyan criticized Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. He has suspended Yerevan's participation in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), which is considered Russia's equivalent to NATO.

Last month, Pashninyan said that the CSTO had failed Armenia, freezing its participation in the bloc because Russia could no longer be relied upon as a reliable defense partner. However, there are no formal moves from Yerevan to withdraw from the alliance. Newsweek has emailed the Armenian Foreign Ministry for comment.

Putin Ally Says Neighboring Country Will Not Exist in Five Years

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 06 March 2024

Britain is prepared to loan Ukraine all frozen Russian central bank assets in the UK on the basis that Russia will be forced to pay reparations to Ukraine at the end of the war, the UK foreign secretary David Cameron has said.

He said the assets would be used as surety for the payment of the reparations.

The plan is more radical than proposals discussed in the European Union for Ukraine to be given only the windfall profits from the Russian central bank assets being held by the West. The annual windfall profits are estimated at $4bn.

Cameron told peers on Tuesday night:

"There is an opportunity to use something like a syndicated loan or a bond that effectively uses the frozen Russian assets as a surety to give that money to the Ukrianians knowing that we will recoup it when reparations are paid by Russia. That may be a better way of doing it. We are aiming for the maximum amount of G7 and EU unity on this but if we cannot get it I think we will have to move ahead with allies that want to take this action."


Putin's little bootlicker.

"Haha, Ukrainians dying while I play political games, so funny"

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 06 March 2024

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Russia attacked Odesa earlier today with a missile while Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis was visiting the city. The target was believed to be the motorcade of Zelenskyi. The explosion occurred approximately 150 meters from the location of the Greek delegation. No one from the Greek delegation was injured.

According to a Greek newspaper.

Time for a new round of the West tutting at Russia and saying "naughty Russia"

Could have killed the Prime Minister of a NATO country, when the fuck are we going to get serious?

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 06 March 2024

"The Washington Post has written that Ukraine’s First Lady Olena Zelenska declined the White House's invitation to participate in the US President's address to the Congress because they wanted her to sit next to Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who died last month in a Russian prison. The Office of the President of Ukraine countered, saying that she declined for a different reason.

Source: The Washington Post; the Office of the President in a comment to Ukrainska Pravda

Quote from WP: "Olena Zelenska, Ukraine’s first lady, declined an invitation from the White House to attend Thursday’s State of the Union address, forgoing one of Washington’s most dignified events and underscoring the complicated politics facing her war-torn country."

Details: Officials familiar with the plans said that American First Lady Jill Biden was to be seated next to Olena Zelenska and Yulia Navalnaya. The image of the two women, each a symbol of resistance to Russian President Vladimir Putin, was supposed to be a powerful backdrop for President Biden's speech to a joint session of Congress.

But people familiar with the discussions in Kyiv said that Navalnaya's potential presence has made Ukrainians uncomfortable, in particular due to Navalny's past statements about Crimea."

Last edited by BFR - on 06 March 2024