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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

"Suicide" Lol. Girkin will be the next to commit "Suicide"

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Very telling interview with a Russian collaborator and a faux governor of Zaporizhzhia Oblast Yevgeny Balitsky about what was happening to Ukrainians who opposed Russian occupation at the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Not only does Balitsky openly admit to forced deportations (which are war crimes) but he also hints at executions of the pro-Ukrainian residents of Melitopol.

Iran has provided Russia with a large number of powerful surface-to-surface ballistic missiles, six sources told Reuters, deepening the military cooperation between the two U.S.-sanctioned countries.

Iran's provision of around 400 missiles includes many from the Fateh-110 family of short-range ballistic weapons, such as the Zolfaghar, three Iranian sources said. This road-mobile missile is capable of striking targets at a distance of between 300 and 700 km (186 and 435 miles), experts say.

An Iranian military official - who, like the other sources, asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the information - said there had been at least four shipments of missiles and there would be more in the coming weeks. He declined to provide further details.

Another senior Iranian official said some of the missiles were sent to Russia by ship via the Caspian Sea, while others were transported by plane.

Exclusive: Iran Sends Russia Hundreds of Ballistic Missiles | Reuters

It's a joke how many restrictions Ukraine has on it, how countries like Iran/North Korea are supplying Russia with no fear, whilst Russia is supplying enemies of America with who knows what, countries which consistently cause problems for America, and all America can do is say "We don't have a Plan B. Bad Mike Johnson!" That single man is making not only America look weak as fuck, but the President as well.

And there's STILL fears about sending Taurus to Ukraine, it's absolutely ridiculous.

And I believe that 700km is further than any western "long-range missile" sent.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 February 2024

Nah...We'll keep telling Mike Johnson how much of a bad guy he is, cause "diplomacy" no matter what.

- North Korea and Iran supplied ballistic missiles to Russia, to use against a country in Europe;
- Russia aided sanctioned regimes with resources and, potentially, technologies;
- Russian agents conducted assassinations in the European Union;
- Despite warnings from the West, Putin eliminated opposition leadership;
- Unwitting(?) accomplices of Russia in the US impede foreign aid to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel.

While Baltic states and other relatively small, population-wise countries like Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, and the Czech Republic punch above their weight, larger states still tiptoe with Russia, believing their lack of agency will prevent perpetrators from continuous escalation, subjugating neighbors, and reshaping the security landscape of Europe.

The comforting belief that the war will be contained, and Russia will be satisfied with a few obliterated oblasts, is naive. This sentiment arises from weak leadership, developed in an environment of abundance. These leaders have mainly grappled with internal disputes over property taxes or cucumber logistics and seem to be entirely unprepared to face adversaries rooted in the Soviet intelligence services, where human life has no value.

Your red lines, warnings, blankets, farts, and prayers aren't taken seriously.

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A group of legal experts sought to bolster the case for seizing frozen Russian central bank assets, arguing that such actions are allowed under international law given the scale of Russia’s continuing attacks in Ukraine.

Seizing Frozen Russian Assets Over Ukraine War Wins Endorsement of Legal Experts - Bloomberg

No, France says we aren't allowed.

Not impressed with the West in the slightest lately, 2 years in and the West's slowness, fear and stupid red tape still persists.

And America is crippled by one fucking guy.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 February 2024

But officials believe Moscow's ability to deliver these successes has come at a high cost in terms of casualties. Russia is firing artillery shells at a far higher rate than Ukraine - five times more by some estimates - but fewer than it was in 2022 and is believed to still not be producing enough to replenish what it is using.

Russia 'struggling with supply of weapons and ammunition' for Ukraine war - Western officials - BBC News

Fewer than 2022 is still 5x higher than what Ukraine can do so.

7 jets in 1 week.

Someone must be going nuts with Patriot...

Imagine what Ukraine could do with Patriots along the entire frontline.

Christ...Another one, it's drone footage but there's quite clearly a lot of dead and/or injured, like the HIMARS strike 2 days ago. Between these two strikes there's likely nearly 100 dead/severely injured Russians.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 February 2024